Domainers Jumping on the Bitcoin Bandwagon

in #bitcoin6 years ago

The rising price of Bitcoin throughout 2017 has seen more and more domainers investing in the Bitcoin space. This was also the case, to a lesser degree, during the bull market of 2013, which saw the price rise from $13 to $1,100. By domainers, I mean those who legitimately buy domain names in order to resell them for higher prices, as opposed to domain squatters who register domains that infringe on the trademarks of others.

This move into Bitcoin by domainers makes perfect sense, due to the similarities between the two investments. Domain names, like Bitcoin, are digital assets that can produce returns on investment unheard of in other asset classes. Seeing Bitcoin rising, after the crash in late 2013 and the subsequent plateau in price that lasted until late 2016, has convinced many domainers that Bitcoin is here to stay, with the potential for even greater gains in the future.

Domainer investing in Bitcoin has come from multi-millionaire heavyweights of the industry who own portfolios of single word .com domain names, right through to those who flip low value domains to other domainers on forums. This across the board interest has led to some leading domainer blogs publishing Bitcoin related content. In turn, a debate has arisen as to whether domainer blogs are the appropriate platform for discussing Bitcoin.

While Bitcoin is rising in price, this trend of domainer investment is likely to continue. If, on the other hand, there is a significant crash followed by an extended period of lower prices, then domainer money will likely leave Bitcoin and go back into domains.

This article, Domainers Jumping on the Bitcoin Bandwagon, was first published on 10/30/2017 at

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