Vitamin D deficiency leads to dementia risk

in #health7 years ago

Various studies have proven that Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease, scalorosis and even arthritis. A new study has found that the lack of vitamin D can increase the risk of developing dementia. According to the study, people with deficiency of vitamin D were 122 percent more likely to develop dementia. There is no shortage of sunlight in India, yet about 65 to 70 percent of Indian people lack this essential vitamin.
Vitamin D affects almost every cell of the body. It is produced in the skin when it is in the sunlight and is essential for the absorption of calcium and the health of bones. Bone losses when vitamin D levels decrease. However, this vitamin is equally important for the heart, the brain and the immune system.
Dr. K. K. Agrawal, President, Indian Medical Association (IMA) said that vitamin D deficiency is associated with metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and fertility. Research has shown that dementia can also occur due to its deficiency. In India, Sun is worshiped on various festivals. The significance of royal baths in Magh, Vaishakh and Kartik months is when there is a provision of offering sun-worship and calcium-rich food in the morning, in which urad dal and sesame are important.
Agrawal said that even after the Diwali, the worship of Chhath in the worship of the sun is also prominent. Even after the month of Kartik, sun worship is performed in Margashirsha. Kartik Purnima and Vaishakh Purnima are specially known only for the worship of sun. At present, the Vitaatma Mantra is that at least 40 days a year should be 40 minutes daily in the sunlight. Its true benefit comes when at least 40 percent of the body comes into contact with sunlight, even in the morning or evening. "
They said Vitamin D2 Egorcalciferol we get from food, whereas Vitamin D3 collocalciferol is produced in our bodies when the sun gets illuminated. Both vitamins are extremely important to us. Where D2 can be obtained from food, but D3 is produced in sunlight. Dr. Agarwal told that there are several reasons for the lack of vitamin D. Sometimes, for social reasons, the person gets less in sunlight. There is abundant sunshine available in India, yet many people are unaware that they can be short of vitamin D.
Good sources of Vitamin D

  1. Cod Liver Oil: This oil cod is obtained from the liver of fish and is considered to be very good for health. This helps in reducing joint pain and can be used as a capsule or oil.
    Mushroom: If you like mushrooms, you can get vitamin D bumps. Dried Shitech Mushrooms are a great source of Vitamin B along with vitamin D3. They contain fewer calories and can be eaten whenever they are.
  2. Salmon: There is more D3, Omega 3 and protein.
  3. Sunflower seeds: These are not only vitamin D3, but also monounsaturated fats and proteins.

A nice article, but there are some imprortant things to note:

  1. Skin tones that are darker are like sly to need more sun exposure or vitamin d than those with lighter skin.
  2. Even with supplements, one needs D sulfate which can only be obtained from the sun’s UV rays - there are no supplements or foods that can provide this vital component of ones health.

Get out in the midday sun ☀️!

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