Juice fasting - Day 5 of 5

in #juice8 years ago

So we have finally made it to Day 5!
I have survived and emerged triumphant from my challenge :) lol

I left it a couple of days as i didn't want to flood everyones feed with constant posts and also i have been out and treated my wife and i to an amazing victory meal :)

I really do feel good after this juice fast. I had more energy and when i look back at all the nutrients and goodness i gave my body over the last few days it can only be a good thing. I hope my posts have been a good source of inspiration or information for anyone considering trying out juicing. As i have said all along you don't have to jump in the deep end and do a complete fast, just swap the occasional meal with one and see how you get on.

Righty lets let you know how my last day went!

Day 5
08:00 Apple and Ginger

Yes! boom ginger is back in the house! :) I love this drink, it really is one of the best juices for me. Just gives you that warm kick and really wakes your system up in the morning.

Apple, Carrot, Romaine, Cucumber and Lime

Oh so this was kinda a kitchen sink of a juice... It was day five, i didn't want to go out and buy a load more produce as it was my last day so i figured i would work something out with what i had. Cant be hard right? ;)

Decent yield from all the fruit, looks decent.

Then... i tasted it... Soo the flavour was ok actually but it felt a bit grainy.. I think due to all the carrots, which tasted nice but left the texture a bit rough. Then i knew what i needed to do.

Bang! out with the trusty avocado and ice :)
Avocado really adds a lovely smoothness to juices, and with the addition of ice it rounds out the flavor. Ok so hopefully my experiment will pay off.

Give it a decent blending, just make sure there are no chunks, not just because its nice to have smooth but it mixes and emulsifys the avocado into the juice.

You know what? I'm kinda proud i managed to rescue this juice. Also it goes to show there are really no hard rules here. If you don''t like something then simply leave it out or add something else to balance it out.

The above line is not 100% true... NEVER JUICE ONIONS OR GARLIC haha! I know its kinda obvious. I have heard a few stories of people doing this and basically being sick... Not sure if they are true or just old wives tales but funny none the less.

Pear, Broccoli, Kiwi, Lemon, Apple, Kale, Banana and Spinach
It's Saturday so i have some shopping and other things to sort out. I managed to pick myself up something while i was out which looked interesting.

Now i know i said as a rough rule shop bought juices are no the best and a lot of them are stacked with sugar. This one here is not one of those, the produce is cold pressed, not heat treated and made from raw ingredients.

You need to check shop bought juices to see if they have been made from heat treated concentrates. That is the stuff you want to avoid, if its just raw fruit/ veg then you have nothing to fear!

It was really nice actually, a little bit sweeter than i would normally make my juices but very pleasant. The only thing i would say is that the texture was a little clumpy... could be smoother but hey.

15:30 Romaine, Broccoli, Cucumber, Apple, Lime, Ginger, Celery and Kale

Wanted a nice refreshing juice after the last one so went back to one from Day one.

Got to fly the flag for this green juice, its lovely and i have yet to meet anyone who doesn't like it! High praise indeed haha.

19:00 Banana, Almond Milk, Pineapple, Cinnamon, Coca Nibs and Chia seeds.

Basically the same recipe from Day four but as i didn't have any more of the pressed coconut i substituted in some coca nibs and chia seeds.

I LOVE the smell of these things! They just have the strongest choclately aroma that hits you as soon as you open the bag. Its extoxicating! Especially after a few days on juice only.

I also added in some chia seeds.

Ok so now for the bit that everyone always wants to know... How do you celebrate after a juice fast...

Like this my friends... like this :)

Nachos with salsa, guacamole and sour cream.

I can safely say this lasted about 30 seconds :)

Pulled beef and cheese burger, Onion Loaf, Seasoned fries and coleslaw

holy cow!! literally haha
I couldn't finish this... but man was it good! Well earned and messy as anything haha just what the doctor ordered.

My wife ordered a lovely fillet which i am happy to say i 'tested' for poison :) I wouldn't want anything to happen to her now would i hehe.

As lovely as this was i must say after a week on juice i felt like someone had poured a bag of cement in my tummy... I even had a quick power nap when we got home :)

Once again thank you for following my journey and all your amazing votes. Hopefully the journey has been a good one and i will be posting some more recipes and ideas up soon. It seems we have some avid juicers on here! :)


Really interesting and the photos in addition are great. Just a question. A lot of juices are sugered thats true but even normal fruit sugar is not good when u consume to much of it. In the end its sugar anyway. What do you think about that? I try to reduce my sugar consume and even relinquish 100% direct fruit juices and eat some fruits instead.

Hi @darek,
There is a vast difference between refined white sugar and the natural sugars found in fruit. This is also the thing people focus on when seeing juice recipes. I covered this in Day 2 :

"Sugar is usually the thing people focus on and they are right to do so. Refined sugar is very bad, and too much of any sugar is bad. Thing is with juicing is that you are keeping these sugars in their natural state and mixing them with TONS of veggies. The fruit is mostly there to make the juices palatable and hardcore juicers actually cut most of this out. Thing is if you are new to juicing or don't juice often these recipes would be too harsh and not at all to your tastes."

I find a lot of juice recipes online very sweet tasting, but i am used to juice now and can take lower amounts of fruit.

Also when media talk about sugar they are talking about refined white, corn syrups or similar. These are MASSIVELY different to natural sugars and very bad for you.

Hi @b0y2k,

maybe I was too strict with myself. Cause I have to admit that really love orance juice... it is my ambrosia.
It is not the point right now, but do you know what kind of sugar honey has? I mean nothing is good when u consume to much but does honey count to the bad or the good sweeteners? Thanks for you answer. I will follow you, cause I want to eat more conscious in the future

Honey is fine in moderation, manuka honey is the one i would recommend. With certain shop bought honeys sometimes they are padded out with other sugars. So always check the label. Buy local if you dont want to pay out for manuka. Just remember honey is actually sweeter than sugar so a little goes a long way.

I would still aim to get my sweetness from fruits and save honey for the more special treats.

With everything its more about portion control and varying your diet than cutting things out entirely.

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