Benefits and Benefits Sakura Flowers

in #herbal7 years ago

The cherry blossom is one of the trees belonging to the familia Rosaceae, a Prunus genus similar to a plum, peach, or apricot tree, but in general sakura is classified in sakura subgenus. In English the cherry blossom is called cherry blossom. The cherry blossoms come from Japan. The cherry blossoms are the national flower of the nation of the Japanese nation. The cherry blossoms symbolize a woman, life and death. Meaning and meaning of cherry blossoms for the Japanese as a carrier of fortune and fortune. Beautiful and beautiful cherry blossoms that have a pink, light yellow, pink, light green or bright red color depend on the species of sakuranya flowers. The famous cherry blossoms in Japan are Prunus Yedoenensis (red and white), Sakura Forest (pink and white), Yammazakura (white), Yaezakura (white or purple), Shidarezakura (whose branches fall like a tree wellow and red flowers) etc. Cherry blossoms suitable for home decoration.


Cherry blossoms have 3 species that have Latin names namely Prunus jamasakura, Prunus serrulata, Prunus × yedoensis.

The cherry blossoms have three types of groups based on the composition of the crown leaf:
Single flower with a layered crown
Double flower with layered crown
Semi double flower
The cherry blossoms and their characteristics


Characteristic sakura type someiyoshino is the flowers that first bloom before the leaves begin to come out. Tens, hundreds, even thousands of tree trunks in the same location, the flowers began to bloom simultaneously and fall out one by one at almost the same time.

Someiyoshino cherry blossoms only last about 7 to 10 days from the buds of open flowers until the flowers begin to fall out. The fall of cherry blossoms depends on weather conditions and is often accelerated by heavy rains and strong winds. Some bird species are known to eat the sweet flower, while the pigeons eat the entire flower.

Cherry blossoms suitable for planting in the lowlands or high that is at an altitude of 1: 1000 above sea level. A bit damp and open or a little sheltered from the sun. Cherry blossoms can grow and live in Indonesia.

What cherry blossoms bloom of the moon? cherry blossoms bloom at the end of winter and flowers bloom in late March to early April when the weather gets warm.

When will the cherry blossoms fall? cherry blossoms fall in autumn around september.

Classification of Sakura Flowers

Kingdom: Plants
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Megnoliophyta
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Upafamili: Prunoideae
Genus: Prunus
Species: Prunus jamasakura

Chemical content of Sakura Flower

The cherry blossom extract contains an isoflavone group that works by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase, a protein needed to form the melanin pigment in the skin.
Cherry blossoms and Benefits:

The leaves and cherry blossoms soaked in salt water can then be used as food wrappers and fragrances because of the fragrant scent. Leaf that has been soaked with cherry blossoms was used as a moci cake wrapper, which is famous dengna sakura moci designation.
Cherry blossoms can be used as an ingredient of ice cream and cake flavored cherry blossoms
The cherry blossoms can be made into sakura tea, commonly drunk at special occasions, such as weddings
Twigs and buds of cherry blossoms can be used as a natural dye.


Sakura flower to amader onek kaje lage dekhi.

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