How to Cook in a Moroccan Tagine

in #food6 years ago

If you own a tagine but have been too intimidated to try using it, don't feel bad. Rest assured there are many Moroccans themselves who have never cooked in them either! The photos on the following pages show step-by-step how easy it is to prepare a fabulous Moroccan stew in this traditional cookware. For general tagine cooking advice, see Tips for Using a Moroccan Tagine.

Shown here are a ceramic tagine and an unglazed clay tagine. Both are quite common in Morocco, but I prefer the unglazed because it adds rustic, earthy flavor and aroma to whatever is being cooked in it. Both types should be ​seasoned before first use. The base of a Moroccan tagine is wide and shallow; the conical lid helps return condensed steam back to the food.tajine-agneau-poulet-legumes.png
Tagines double as serving dishes which help hold the food warm on the table. Moroccan tradition is to gather round and eat communally from the tagine, using pieces of Moroccan bread (Try this delicious Moroccan semolina bread!) to scoop and sop up sauce, veggies and meat. Be forewarned, though – it's best allow the tagine to cool for 10 or 15 minutes before digging in or there will be burnt fingers and tongues!

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