in #world7 years ago

The word ‘affliction’ is defined by a Bible dictionary as that which causes or tends to cause bodily pain or mental distress; the state of being in pain or trouble. An individual or nation can be afflicted with sickness, poverty, loss, oppression, war, invasion, conquest by foreign peoples. Persecution of New Testament believers is also a form of affliction.

Our passage today highlights the condition of Israel as a national, self-induced affliction. It came as a result of the ungodly practices of King Jeroboam the son of Nebat “who made Israel to sin”. Although Jeroboam chose to lead the nation into idolatry and Baal worship, the afflictions of Israel in the text touched God in a special way. No help was in sight; evil and oppression walked the streets and the messages of prophets that God sent could not rescue the situation. Then, God stepped in and against all odds, saved the nation from self-destruction.

*Today, God’s grace is still available in times of afflictions. Whether as an individual, family or even nation, a sinful lifestyle will always attract all sorts of afflictions. Sin is like a magnet that draws evil to itself. But the mercy of God is available for everyone who seeks freedom from afflictions whether self-induced or not. Grace saved Israel from afflictions; the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is also available to set man free from the oppression of the devil.

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