Sympathy for the Devil... (Polititians)

in #conspiracy7 years ago (edited)


I've been part of the movement for Justice for about 2 years now and what an education it has been. I have learned about Banking, Constitutional Law, history, absolutely all sorts.
And best of all.pb2.png I try my best to make technology my Bitch.

I choose what I watch on the telly and to some extent, what I see on-line. Since I have been on Steemit. I have definitely noticed the increase in the variety of content I view. It feels fresh and has given a well-overdue alternative to the norm.

I find it most frustrating when people I know well, tell me that I need to stop looking at independent media news sites. Because they think it is a negative influence and it makes me cynical....Really?!
re.jpg "yeah go on. Eat your shit"(

I have to bite my tongue as most of the time it is a Family member who is insisting I heed to their misplaced concerns.

I'm sure most of you have experienced this or something similar. You don't have to be a 'Conspiracy theorist' to be labelled a 'Foil-hatter'.
fg.jpg Have you ever tried to explain the concept of Block-chains and crypto-currencies like Bitcoin to someone? Oh....My....God!! Please remove the sharp objects from the house... I suddenly want to stab you in face...

Ok, I'll take my foot off the exaggerator pedal.

But you know.....yeah you know what I mean...loll.png

I normally find that the best way to help someone understand a new concept, is to go back to when you yourself was 'None-the-wiser'. It helps to put yourself in somebody else's shoes if you want to understand their perceptions. As of yet I have had no luck in conveying the full extent of things like the NWO, Bilderberg and Agenda 21/30. All issues of up-most importance and when looking from my position, it's hard to see why I even have to write these articles. Has nobody told the MSM about all the corruption? They would sell millions of papers if they printed some of the content I see on Stemit. You would think they would jump at the chance...
mnb.jpgIt's as if they purposely ignoring it....

And so, the corners of Skynet keep on stretching....

So how do we wake everybody up without the help of the MSM? It's a shame our reporters are controlled, as it seems one word from a major news outlet would be enough to convince the masses. All without having to go into every little detail in order to prove your integrity. It seems the masses still trust the MSM. Even over the word of loved ones...But hey, what have the 'Beeb' ever done to suggest they aren't impartial...?


We will come back to the BBC later as they are a perfect example of what I want to show you. As I was saying. The MSM hold all the aces when it comes to changing public perceptions. To those that are fully connected to the Matrix, they seem to be able to do it at will.

So we need to break down this bond. Trust is not something that relates to a company or a machine. Trust is a Human emotion. The company named McDonalds is only that, a company. Represented physically by a building or a Lawful piece of paper. Neither of which is capable of Human emotions. The Royal Family of the UK are GIVEN their Royal status through the will of their subjects.
our royals spitting image.jpgThey are Royal only in name. Remember that.
A status cannot think for itself. The same goes for a company, an MP, a Police service, a Judge.
I wont labour the point much further as it has been summed up perfectly already.....wer.jpg

But there is a problem... zzz.jpg
We do trust the BBC. We do Love the Royals. We trust the banks so much, we let them invest our money in various business ventures all over the world. But how? Ronald can't look after our kids health. He's a made up fictional character. But yet we treat him like some Orphan who's inherited millions and spent it all on the 'Kiddies'...
" Isn't he nice....? " Erm...actually no, he's a visual tool who helps a soulless company earn billions by convincing you to feed your kids food that is chemically enhanced. For no other reason than profit.

rv.jpg"Cheers Ronnie, we love you"

Unfortunately, if we want Honey and flower we have to accept there will be wasps. But as long as you can spot the difference then you will know which one to trust. Human progress has been an ongoing cycle of 'honey and wasps'
Tesla gave us honey and Edward Bernays gave us wasps. Both equal in intelligence and both with the common cause of improving life on earth. I know which one I'd prefer at a Bar-b though.

Thanks to Eddie Bernays and his relentless quest to understand the human mind. Or more to the point, how to deceive the Human mind. We have come to a point in history where nothing is as it appears...and I mean nothing. But because of Eddie's Brain Ray, the masses just don't seem to notice. In fact, like someone grabbing a live wire, the masses hold on tighter, unable to let go of the very thing that is killing them.


I think I mentioned earlier that trust. Trust is a Human emotion that should depend on knowing somebody well enough. Companies, banks, food-chains, and now even MP's are all using Eddies theories to convince us that they represent a trustworthy Product. Companies like i-phone have used the Image of an apple.
ac.jpgThe apple symbolizes the apple of truth, from the biblical gardens of Eden. Consequently, this makes you connect your sense of religion and the trust you have already invested in it, over to a product that is made only to earn a vast profit for a company.mnn.jpgA company that has no regard for it customers...

In this instance our trust is no longer dependent on whether the company is actually trust-worthy. All that has been negated because your brain has connected the apple on the phone to its hard-wired(through society) trust of the Bible. Yet as we can see they are for from angelic Sneaky eh..?

The same method has swayed your preferences in the things you eat..Have you ever wondered why you like Bacon and Eggs for your breakfast? or why getting YOU to 'add one egg' to her mix, made Betty Crocker a household name. Maybe you should put that in your search engine one day.

Bernay's tactics, to attach loyalty and other emotions to things that are incapable of reciprocating, are well established in all parts of society. Until you learn of Eddie and the fruits of his twisted mind, you would never think that so many establishments could be working towards a completely controlled society. You would think that with all the history lessons at school about WWII, they would have mentioned Mr Edward Bernays.

The guy was overseeing the events, with relish. Taking detailed notes on the extreme behaviors and acts of madness being committed by ordinary people, in the name of King or Country.
aa1.jpgMaybe because any child, still capable of critical thinking, would ask the question...

"What was he doing that for?"

I would doubt the teacher would know of this enigmatic sociopath, themselves. It would certainly be good to hear the teachers answer. But if they had lessons on Eddie's work, we probably wouldn't be here in the first place.

Damn you Eddie! You are doing it to me again. I can't help write about this guy. His effect on global society is almost incomprehensible, I get sucked into the vast subject and start to stray from my original point.

Fortunately, Ed is dead and it is his legacy I want to expose to you.

He has passed on, only to the ruling class, the worlds worst guidebook. A book telling every government how to deceive its subjects without being noticed. bvv.jpg

Going back to the list of agent provocateurs and how they have all been given 'Human' status. I would like to separate them and analyze their conduct. I want you to put yourself in the shoes of someone who is unaware of the police state being built around them. Come on it can't be that hard, we were all connected once upon a time.

I can only speak for myself but I think we will find common ground. So lets see what it would take to wash clean, my fluoridated brain.

Before I disconnected I was aware that something wasn't right. An imbalance in how life was structured.
klk.jpg It caused me much confusion.
I knew that we had bad individuals in places of power. But like in the movies, its always one bad guy who ruins it for all those connected.

"One, or a handful of 'Baddies' couldn't get away with such a plan".

I wasn't prepared to admit that even a nationwide conspiracy was possible, never mind a global conspiracy...

"The BBC had Children that were in-need. Ronald had started introducing his old friends from back home, so nobody was left out. And the banks, well they had three little pigs and a black stallion keeping our money safe. It all seemed so innocent. Anyway we have a wealthy group of independent reporters and police who keep these kinds of people in check".pi.jpg

I am going to assume this to be the perception of the people still connected to the matrix. To convince somebody who has allowed this emotional attachment to occur. We must break through the bond of trust that has been artificially replaced, by entities using the Bernay's mind control techniques. So I will begin digging into the psyche of each entity in turn. With the hope, that by showing you comments and actions of the Humans behind the organization, it will expose the contradictions between what is being shown to you and what is actually happening. This hopefully will equate to an undeniable source of documented facts proving that a global conspiracy is being implemented. In the interest of me getting some sleep, I will restrict my analysis to the UK as much as possible and separate this project into separate parts.

GOVERNMENT - What you see -

Definition - noun

1treated as singular or plural The group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; (Source -


As far as a common notion would look. The Labour party are there to support the will of the 'working classes'. Their more vocal MP's among them usually have strong accents to emphasize their working class roots. They report to stand for public services like the Emergency services, postal service etc etc.

Tony Blair was a Labour politician with a new style. The accent had gone and 'New Labour' looked very contemporary. But they assured us it was still the same old party at heart...


The Conservatives are perceived as Aristocrats and generally uphold the image of a Stereotypical, Monocle wearing, tea cup holding, Cambridge university graduate.
This party is the sharp edge of the political system. They are not afraid to be cast as the 'Heel'. This is evident in their policy of Austerity. They are the guard dogs of our economy and, more often than not, they are the one's who implement and enforce the more harsh policies to be placed on society. That being said, they never want to look too unfair and often make an effort to reach out to the 'working class'....


To put it into a broad statement. The Liberals are the opposites of the Conservatives. From the perspective of the masses, most of whom have no interest in politics, the 'Lib Dem'(hip, yeah..?) want seemingly unrealistic policies to be implemented. World peace, and an end to 3rd world famine. They are a bit like a mix between Greenpeace activists and Miss World contestants...They seem to have a good heart but you feel they are not a full set of spanners...cxc.jpg If you get my drift.

Here is a link to their website -

The Lib Dems are much the same as the other fringe parties. Although, lately there has been a massive increase in popularity for groups such as the Lib-Dems and now we see the rise of UKIP.
UKIP are portrayed as a right wing political party. Their up-coming representatives are regularly being linked with 'Fascist' groups so it is hard to keep up with 'who's who'.

There is one out-standing member who has recently cemented his place within European politics. Nigel Farage has since released the title of 'Leader of the UKIP party' in exchange for a position as a MEP. On leaving UKIP, after pioneering a call for the EU referendum recently held in Britain, Nigel had this to say...

“I have decided to stand aside as leader of Ukip,”

“The victory for the leave side in the referendum means that my political ambition has been achieved. I came into this struggle from business because I wanted us to be a self-governing nation, not to become a career politician.”

“Ukip is in a good position and will continue, with my full support to attract a significant vote. Whilst we will now leave the European Union, the terms of our withdrawal are unclear. If there is too much backsliding by the government and with the Labour party detached from many of its voters then Ukip’s best days may be yet to come.”


GOVERNMENT (What they don't want you to see) -

Now I must start with the most important piece of information that is often purposely neglected. In the definition of Government it states clearly that "It is a group of people with authority". What it never elaborates to say, is that the 'authority' the group possess is authorized by 'The People'. MP's are a centralized representation of a collective will. A glorified mega-phone and nothing more. The 'authority' in question, belongs to 'the people' not the Government. It has always been this way. Up until 1973 and the treasonous act of entering the EEC, no person could stand for government if he did not have the will and therefore the authority, of the people.


Over the last 50 years we should be able to see how various party policies have been implemented and we should also have a good variety of documented comments, right from the horses mouth. Hopefully this will show, without question, the people behind the policies and there reasoning for why they championed certain issues (or more importantly why they didn't).

fgh.jpgDavid Cameron (Conservative P.M.) - List of 'U-turns' while in office.

  1. U-turned Andy Coulson - finally got rid of Andy Coulson after he became embroiled in phone hacking story
  2. U-turned on Spending cuts - said there would be no drastic spending cuts - before embarking on an unprecedented round of austerity cuts. David Cameron said spending cuts during the early part of a Conservative government wouldn't be ‘particularly extensive’
  3. U-turned on Pensioners Winter Fuel Allowance - saying he would not cut pensioners winter fuel allowance - then did
  4. U-turned on the NHS..."There will be no top down reorganisation of the NHS......David Cameron
  5. U-turned on not raising VAT "We have absolutely no plans to raise VAT. Our first Budget is all about recognising we need to get spending under control rather than putting up tax".
  6. U-turned Fuel tax Stabiliser - its commitment to consult on a 'fair fuel tax stabiliser
  7. U-Turned Knife Crime - said in opposition that anyone caught carrying a knife could expect a jail term - now scrapped.
  8. U-turned on Child benefit Cuts........."I'm not going to flannel you, I'm going to give it to you straight. I like the child benefit, I wouldn't change child benefit, I wouldn't means-test it, I don't think that is a good idea."........David Cameron
  9. U-turned on saying no cuts to frontline services......"What I can tell you is, any cabinet minister, if I win the election, who comes to me and says: "Here are my plans" and they involve front-line reductions, they'll be sent straight back to their department to go away and think again.".......David Cameron
  10. U-turned EMA - said they would not scrap Educational Maintenance Allowance - then did.
  11. U-turned Tuition Fees - Clegg pledged not raise tuition fees then voted to treble them.
  12. U-turned on Future jobs Fund - Before the General Election, David Cameron praised the Future Jobs Fund as a “good scheme” and the Conservatives said they had “no plans to change existing Future Jobs Fund commitments”.
  13. U-turned on Lisbon treaty referendum - "cast-iron guarantee" to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty
  14. U-turned defence scrapping Nimrods and sacking troops by email etc.
  15. U-turned on pledge to help disabled children and their parents.
  16. U-turned on Education - Gove forced into so many u -turns found it impossible to get right
  17. U-turned on National Insurance contributions - "We'll scrap the Gordon Brown's jobs tax" - did for employers but employees contributions have risen 1%
  18. U-turned Recall MPs - scrapped pledge for public to be allowed to recall under-performing MP
  19. U-turned on Forests -Forced to do a u-turn on selling off ancient woodlands (but this is till happening by stealth)
  20. U-turned on School Sports programme - Forced to u-turn on cutting funding for school sports after public outcry and outcry from sporting heroes
  21. U-turned on Bookstart- Forced to do a u-turn on cutting funding for "Bookstart" after public outcry
  22. U-turned on idea to pack the 1922 Committee with ministers after a Tory backbench rebellion
  23. U-turned and got rid of his personal photographer after putting him on the public payroll after public outcry
  24. U-turned on granting anonymity to rape suspects, were swiftly ditched in the face of a public outcry.
  25. U-turned on wearing lounge suit to royal wedding -and wore a morning suit to the royal wedding, after much barracking from the public and William Hague saying he would look an idiot in an ordinary suit.
  26. U-turned Housing benefit - forced to drop plans to impose a 10 per cent cut in housing benefit on the long-term unemployed after public outcry.
  27. U-turned on Free Milk. The health minister Anne Milton suggested scrapping free school milk for the under-fives to save money, but Downing Street retreated after Cameron was compared with Margaret Thatcher. The policy confusion led to the absurd scene of David Willetts defending the plan on The Andrew Marr Show while No 10 was in the act of briefing that it had been dropped.
  28. U-turned on NHS Direct - to replace NHS Direct with a cut-price "health advice service" prompted a wave of #savenhsdirect tweets and another John Prescott campaign. The Health Secretary soon backed down and promised that only the number would change HOWEVER this is sleight of hand as they are still radically changing NHS Direct.
  29. U-turned - Liberating the NHS making changes to Liberating the NHS reforms after coming in for serious pressure from across the board.
  30. U-turned - Academy Status over schools being awarded academy status Ministers had said the grant to provide such services would be cut by £148m this year and £265m next year. Forced to u-turn because attracted by having an increased grant if they opted out too many schools applied. This is causing turmoil, chaos and confusion in our education service, schools simply do not know where they stand.
  31. U-Turned - over council refuse collections.The government has admitted it cannot force councils in England to provide weekly bin collections. While in opposition Eric Pickles pledged that the Tories would restore weekly bin collections.
  32. U- Turned - Fuel Poverty - government to drop its commitment to end fuel poverty by 2016.
  33. U-Turned - NICE The Government has backed down on its plans to strip the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) of its duty to recommend drugs and treatments for the National Health Service.
  34. U-Turned - NHS Government forced into a u - turn over its plans to privatise the NHS and bring more private companies into it.
    The Future Forum report was a "demolition job on the government's misjudgements and mishandling of the NHS."
  35. U-Turned - JUSTICE BILL - Tory government forced to abandon plans to offer 50% sentence discounts to offenders of serious crimes like rape after a national outcry.
  36. U-Turned - On promise to provide 9.000 recharging points by 2013 - Government's green credentials were called into question yesterday after it scrapped plans for a nationwide network of recharging points for electric cars
  37. U-Turned BSkyB Takeover-Bid - Just weeks before a decision was due to me made about the BSkyB bid the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt had said he intended to order a full-scale competition probe. Then out of the blue Hunt suddenly performed a huge U-turn and accepted that a plan by Murdoch to spin off Sky News as an independent company and that on this basis Hunt would grant the takeover-bid. (Events thent ook a different course forcing the government onto the back foot and they referred the bid to the Competition Commission, shortly before BSkyB decided to drop the their bod for the remaining 61% of shares for the company. (Ofcom are now looking at News Internation/NewsCorp to see if they are a "fit and proper" company to hold a licence in this country)
  38. U-Turn Fuel Poverty - Cameron promised rein in energy companies and to end fuel poverty by 2016 by giving regulators more power - Regulators have not been given more power and now all the energy companies have massively increased their prices raising the cost of gas and electricity by 19% gas and at least 10% for electricity, Cameron is caught lying - again!wtf.png
    SOURCE -

So just a few issues then...Maybe its just David....? or maybe not.... This is just one report that show the eagerness of the Conservative party to Privatize the NHS.

"Ministers decided last year to sell off a 75% stake in NHS Professionals, which is fully owned by the Department of Health. The move sparked widespread concern and criticism from MPs, doctors and health unions, who argued that the sale was foolish given the seriousness of the NHS’s worsening staffing crisis."

"NHS Professionals, which was set up by the last Labour government, plays a key role in the NHS. It supplies doctors, nurses and other staff to about a quarter of hospitals at much cheaper rates than those charged by profit-making NHS staffing firms and saves the cash-strapped NHS £70m a year that would otherwise go to private firms."

"Philip Dunne, the health minister, announced the U-turn in a written ministerial statement issued this morning at the unusually early time of 8am."

gt.jpgSo lets give Theresa, sorry I mean Prime Minister Treason May a chance to show what she stands for. David Cameron has left her with lots to answer for, it appears.
She can't be like Cameron, can she......?

She can...

  1. Brexit: Mrs May was not a vocal Remainer but she was a firm one, saying in April 2016 that “on balance, and given the tests I set earlier in my speech, I believe the case to remain a member of the European Union is strong”.

A week after the vote she spun on her heels, launching her leadership campaign with the words “Brexit means Brexit”.

  1. A British bill of rights: During the referendum campaign, Mrs May advocated leaving the European Convention of Human Rights, whose rules on the use of evidence gained by torture had frustrated her as home secretary. The convention, she said, “can bind the hands of parliament, adds nothing to our prosperity, [and] makes us less secure”. She called instead for a British bill of rights.

But, bidding for the Conservative leadership, she made clear that she had changed her mind. Her 2017 Conservative manifesto also says Britain will remain a signatory of the ECHR “for the duration of the next parliament”.

  1. Hinkley Point: Almost the prime minister’s first significant decision was to review plans to allow an £18bn new nuclear reactor backed by French and Chinese companies. That reflected concerns about China’s influence over Britain’s power supply and caused a rift in relations with Beijing. But in September, Downing Street said it had completed the review and the go-ahead, with only minor restrictions on France’s EDF selling its stake during construction.

  2. Workers on boards: In September, she promised to ensure “not just consumers [are] represented on company boards, but workers as well”. That was interpreted as meaning trade union representatives on boards, a prospect opposed by cabinet ministers including chancellor Philip Hammond.

The Conservative manifesto described a weaker policy: “listed companies will be required either to nominate a director from the workforce, create a formal employee advisory council or assign specific responsibility for employee representation to a designated non-executive director”.

  1. National insurance: Mr Hammond’s budget in March announced that self-employed workers would pay higher national insurance contributions, breaching a promise in the 2015 Conservative manifesto not to increase the tax. The change would have raised an estimated £500m a year, but the headlines were terrible. Mrs May pulled the plug and a U-turn was announced a week later.

  2. Early election: “There isn’t going to be one. It isn’t going to happen. There is not going to be a general election,” Mrs May’s spokesman said in March. A month later, with the Tory poll lead in double figures, she announced that she had “reluctantly” decided a vote was necessary to strengthen her hand before Brexit negotiations.

  3. Energy price caps: Ed Miliband’s promise to freeze energy prices appeared to have been resurrected by Mrs May. “Ministers are poised to unveil a cap on energy prices,” reported the Daily Mail newspaper, days before the Conservative manifesto launch.

But the actual manifesto promise turned out to be less radical: “an independent review . . . to make recommendations as to how we can ensure UK energy costs are as low as possible, while ensuring a reliable supply and allowing us to meet our 2050 carbon reduction objective. Our ambition is that the UK should have the lowest energy costs in Europe, both for households and businesses.”

  1. Social care: On Thursday, the Conservative manifesto was clear: rich people requiring care in their homes would be obliged to pay for it, unless they had less than £100,000 in assets including the family home. The move soon became labelled a “dementia tax”. On Sunday, Boris Johnson said he understood critics’ concerns. On Monday, Mrs May announced that care payments would be capped.

  2. Foreign worker lists: There was consternation among business in October when Amber Rudd, home secretary, suggested that companies would have to publish figures on their number of foreign workers. The precise wording was that companies would have to “be clear about the proportion of their workforce which is international”. The UK Independence party branded the plans a “step too far”. The government later said no data would be made public.
    SOURCE -

But it is not as if they didn't up hold any policies. Somethings have to be prioritized, I suppose. Here are a list of some of the policies they championed, apparently for the will of the people...

"The government and mainstream media here in Britain would have us believe Brexit is a chaotic disaster. Yet, behind the scenes, the military unification policy is progressing as planned, and at pace.2

"A fortnight ago, Theresa May flew to Brussels to meet Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, and Michel Barnier, Chief Brexit Negotiator for the European Commission."

"According to the mainstream media, their dinner date was designed to break the “deadlock” in the Brexit process, in preparation for the European Council Heads of Government meeting taking place a few days later."

"Yet if we take a step back from all the media noise on Brexit, we find a flurry of activity which, far from being chaotic, is, in fact, extremely orderly."

It goes on to say...

"All this activity raises some questions:"

"Why would both Michael Fallon and Boris Johnson be pursuing defence partnerships with EU nations while a process to disentangle Britain from EU institutions is supposed to be in progress?"

"Indeed, why would Boris Johnson be singling out EU security and defence for an “unconditional and immovable commitment” by Britain? Surely Britain’s commitment to the EU post-Brexit is met through NATO?"

"Apparently not."

Gordon Brown and The Labour Party Left 10 Downing Street on the 12th of May 2010. His exit was famous for all the wrong reasons. One headline was about a letter that was left behind. The news report goes on to say...

Mr Laws - the Liberal Democrat MP who has become chief secretary to the Treasury in the new coalition government - revealed the note Mr Byrne had "very nicely" left him - as he and Mr Osborne took part in their first joint press conference since the general election. "When I arrived at my desk on the very first day as chief secretary, I found a letter from the previous chief secretary to give me some advice, I assumed, on how I conduct myself over the months ahead."

"Unfortunately, when I opened it, it was a one-sentence letter which simply said 'Dear chief secretary, I'm afraid to tell you there's no money left,' which was honest but slightly less helpful advice than I had been expecting," he said."

OK, Gordon Brown was the Labour equivalent of the Presently un-elected P.M. and coincidentally(or not) Treason May is being portrayed as equally inadequate for the Title.

So lets look at the work and words of former PM, Tony Blair.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has described Baroness Thatcher as "a towering political figure" whose legacy will be felt worldwide.

Mr Blair said Lady Thatcher had always been "immensely kind" to him.

He added: "I always thought my job was to build on some of the things she had done rather than reverse them.

"Many of the things she said, even though they pained people like me on the left... had a certain creditability."

Tony Blair today welcomed 11 private healthcare providers into the "NHS family", as he promised them the chance to gain a stronger foothold in the NHS.

Predicting that the private sector would soon provide up to 40% of NHS operations, Mr Blair said the independent providers could help drive up the quality of service to patients which he said was the "most important thing".

"By 2008 we could have as much as 40% of acute operations done in the private sector being done under the NHS banner," he told health bosses.


"Tony Blair's government has created more than 3,000 new criminal offences during its nine-year tenure, one for almost every day it has been in power".
"The 3,000-plus offences have been driven on to the statute book by an administration that has faced repeated charges of meddling in the everyday lives of citizens, from restricting freedom of speech to planning to issue identity cards to all adults."

EXHIBIT 5 (1min 8secs)

EXHIBIT 6 (59mins)
Go to 39mins 8secs to hear new damning evidence like this...
"In January this year, it emerged that unpublished medical and scientific records relating to Dr Kelly’s death - including the post-mortem report and photographs of his body - had been secretly classified so as not to be made public for 70 years."

"Lord Hutton, who had been appointed by Blair, was responsible for this extraordinary gagging order, yet its legal basis has baffled experts accustomed to such matters."

I think that's quite enough of the labour party. Although I will finish with an important issue that clouds the Labour Parties ethos. The Fabian Society. Here is a passage from a telling article written by UK Column.

In Britain the term “Third Sector” really began to be used under the premiership of Tony Blair.

In September 2008, David Blunkett who served in Blair’s cabinet from 1997-2005, wrote a paper for the Fabian Society entitled “Mutual Action, Common Purpose.”

“The Third Sector forms a crucial part of Labour’s mission to build a fairer society”, said the summary. “In this Fabian Freethinking paper, David Blunkett argues that the voluntary, community and not for profit sector have an increasingly important role in supporting people in an uncertain world, and supporting government in enabling people to help themselves.”

In case you are unaware of the Fabian Society here is a link to an archived research paper.fab.jpg

or you can watch this short introduction to Fabian Socialism. It will be more familiar than you think.(5mins 43secs)

But whichever you choose to do, never forget that politics is not what it appears to befab2.jpg

I hope you have enjoyed part 1 of the jigsaw.

If this article was your cup of tea then I would like to point you towards a similar article I've written on a similar subject.(
Please up-vote, follow or re-steem. It really does mean a lot.

And don't forget to look out for part 2 where we will carry out an in depth look at the Royal Family....

Peace and love to you and yours

Rebel Dan

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