The Economic Collapse Began Long Ago

in #money7 years ago

We are in an economic depression. It was predicted in Strauss and Howe’s 1997 book “The Fourth Turning” [Link] that occurs every four generations as a time of great turmoil. Their Generational Theory is a framework which explains where we are, how we got here and where we’re going. For more details see ‘Notes” at end.

What Can You Do?

– Spend less than you make. Start by cutting non-essentials.

– stop spending money you don’t have to buy shit you don’t need to impress people you don’t like.

– Get out of debt.

– Stay out of debt.

– If you plan to sell your house in the future, do it NOW before the bubble bursts. It’s better to be a year too early than a month too late.

– Rent (I do.) Over-priced real estate is a bottomless money pit, a time-waster and a tax cow (property taxes only go up, never down.)You’ll have a deteriorating pressboard shack when the mortgage is finally paid. Wait for the bubble to burst if you insist on buying into the house hoax to satisfy the Missus’ misguided sense of security.

– Keep only enough money in the bank for bill payments to avoid Bail-ins.

– Keep several months’ cash on hand for expenses, but be prepared to abandon this strategy when they ban cash.

– Cryptocurrencies are a risky and volatile strategy. Again, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. They can be hacked, or banned by the government.

– By 1 oz. gold coins (not bars) from reputable dealers if you’re rich, silver if you’re not.

– Stockpile durable essentials like toilet paper, garbage bags, soap, etc., etc.

– Learn to shoot and safe gun-handling.

– Guns & ammo.

– Stop eating junk food and exercise more because you need to stay healthy.

– If you’re wealthy, apply the Jim Sinclair GOTS checklist. [Link]

– Invest in yourself and your skills.

– Start now if you haven’t already because time is getting short.


My Godson found another job. It’s a step down from his last one which was a step down from the previous one, but at least it’s a job. The ingrate should be thankful he has a job. Any job! More than 20% of eligible workers don’t.

Welcome to the Stealth Depression of the Fourth Turning. When it ends, no one knows, but when it does I guarantee it’ll be unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

Remember the mantra:

We cannot borrow our way out of debt.

We cannot spend our way to prosperity.

We cannot pretend our way out of trouble.

They keep trying, but ultimately, they’ll fail.So much go stuff in this article. Read it here...



What is it you imagine happening during all of this? The stealth depression.

When it is no longer stealth, Venezuela x 10

Yikes lmao sounds exciting

Thank you Shahzaib Khan Niazi @shahzaibniaxi

I know some people will think your post is extreme or paranoid - but I think that most of your points should be taught to children in school.

The whole system of control via debt is the most debilitating thing for personal empowerment and happiness.

If you can take a more stoic perspective and not get suckered in to thinking you need all this 'stuff' to be happy then you can create a much more fulfilling life underpinned by a sense of your ability to be resilient in tough times.

I'm not saying people shouldn't create wealth or not have good things - but if you look at what you earn and find a way to do it in a way that also gives you personal fulfilment and then look at what you spend and whether you're getting real 'happiness' and utility value from that spend - there are usually MANY things that you can stop spending on which really make no positive difference but can hugely impact what you need to make to live well.

Debt is the most pervasive thing which controls peoples choices - so your comments about getting out of (and staying out of) debt are really so powerful.

You are welcome!

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