Early Church Views Toward Women

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today we are going to talk about the views of the early Church toward women. But first a little note about the early goddess religions that were mystical in nature and balanced between male and female. They began to be demonized and the early Church began to consider them satanic. Now you're not going to believe what I'm about to say so I will just quote it. These are quotations from the early Church fathers and their attitudes toward women. [My translation from the German]

“Up to this time Satan as the antichrist had not been born. The evil God was dual in nature. Satan as father, Satan as Samyasa, Satan as poet and philosopher, lived in the proud all knowing and all powerful cast of the Magi. He lived in the silent mysteries of the Chaldean temples and his priests were the hakamim (physicians), the khartumim (magicians), the kasdim and the gazrim (astrologers).

This Satan lived in the doctrines of Mazdeism and it’s children, the Magi, were the great protectors of the sacred flame that came down to them from heaven. Satan also lived in Ahura Mazda, the good God, that taught Zarathustra the secrets of the Haoma plant and in the Egyptian God, Thoth, Trimegistos, who wrote the secret knowledge down into 42 books and taught his chosen ones the important parts of the body. The terrible Hecate shared the gift of magical visions and workings with her chosen ones, as well as the gift of the invisible death stroke.

But besides Satan as Thoth and Satan as Hecate, there lived on the earth. Satan as Satyr, Satan as Pan and Satan as phallus. He was the God of the instincts and carnal lust and was equally revered by the highest in spirit as well as the lowest. He was the inexhaustible source of life's joy, the enthusiasm and the ecstasy. He taught women the arts of seduction and allowed men to double their sex drive and satisfy their lusts. He reveled in colors, invented the flute and set the muscles into rhythmic motion until a holy ecstasy enveloped the heart and the sacred phallus inseminated the fertile womb with its abundance.

Pan was Apollo then and Aphrodite at the same time. He was the God of the home hearth as well as of the bordello. He was the author of schools of philosophy. He built museums and glorious temples. He taught medicine and mathematics while at the same time, his temple in Astarteion was an immense bordello. The priestesses at Astarteion practiced the sexual arts and over the long years learned every imaginable means of sexual gratification.

Around this time, around the time of Tiberius, the great migration of the gods to Rome began. It was a time of the highest refinement and aristocratic enjoyment of life. The good God that had until then remained enthroned in his invisible kingdom of indolence and pleasure decided that the measure of sins had become too great and so he sent his son to earth, that he might make clear to the offspring of the bad God his dreary truth of the invisible worlds.

And he came to earth, this son of the good God, and revealed himself at first to the poor, the oppressed, the slaves and the day workers that had never tasted the holy joys of Pan.

Why trouble yourselves over your daily bread? Who dresses the lilies in the most beautiful colors compared to which scarlet and brocade are only empty rags? Who nourishes the birds that neither sow nor reap? Why do you strive after worldly things that will perish? What value is your pride when the highest on the earth will become the lowest in the kingdom of heaven? And what of your carnal desire, isn't it the gateway to hell?

Oh, carnal desire, most especially carnal desire, the seat of all the passions, the inexhaustible source of life's joy, the will to eternal life. It had to be destroyed so the kingdom of the invisible could take over the earth.

The Master said that a man had already defiled a woman when he looked upon her with lust. The disciples went much further. St. Cyprian said of the girl that was created in such a way that she excited a sigh of love from a man- that she was shameless, and if she allowed anyone to burn with lust for her- even unknowingly- then she was no longer a virgin.

“Woman! What do you and I have in common with each other?” asked the Master. The disciples went far beyond the Master.

Tertullian wrote “You are the portal to the devil.”

“You are the destroyer of the tree.”

“You are the first sinner against divine law.”

“You are the one that persuades those that do not wish to turn to the devil.”

“Everything evil comes from woman,” moaned St. Hieronymus. Yes, he even proclaimed that woman was not created in the image of God because the Holy Book said nothing about the soul of woman at the creation of the female.

The good God of the invisible hated earthly beauty. He hated everything holy that Satan as Pan revealed and celebrated. He taught the transitory nature of the world and what was right. The smallest revolt of the flesh was a sin that had to be punished with long years of penance.

Tertullian raged with fanatical hatred against every purple ribbon that women sewed into their clothing. Lactantius cursed the poets and philosophers for dragging innocent souls into ruin. Paintings were destroyed, “That which grows naturally is the creation of God, everything man-made is the work of the devil.” Theater and the circus became “inventions of the devil”.

Yes, the holy fathers themselves warned of the colors of the flowers with which the demon, the evil enemy, clothed himself in color and splendor.

Isaurius, the Iconoclast, competed with Gregory the Great in the destruction of artistic images. Theodosius II had every Temple destroyed and crosses erected on top of them. They destroyed the most majestic poetic works with disastrous falsifications or annihilated them completely. The diabolist Cyprian taught that various works of the demon were hidden in poems.

The priestesses of Aphrodite became whores that anyone could pelt with filth, and love, love became God’s love! “Vanquish love, vanquish the devil!”. Everything natural was forbidden, especially the healing powers of nature. God sent illness into the world as a way to allow man to atone for a portion of his sins while still here on earth. It was a sin to frustrate this decree of God. At best, exorcisms were still allowed, not to heal a disease, but instead only to demonstrate the triumphant power of good over evil.

“The demon is everywhere.” According to Hieronymus. Even the air is full of trembling demons that scream and wail over the death of the old gods. The demon is hidden in every flower, in every tree, that brings joy, fertility, wealth and beauty. He brings the day as Lucifer and closes it as Venus who brings voluptuous lewd dreams.

The first century only knew one religion, the battle against the demon.

But that battle was not easy. In its fanatical lunacy the Church threw itself against the deepest and most sacred bonds that united man to the cosmic. It forcefully tore man loose from nature, isolated him, and suspended him between heaven and earth. The mysterious rapport that the naked soul of man had with the soul of ALL became completely separate from the brain and was declared satanic, a deception of Satan.

Ancient man had stood in an intimate relationship with nature. They lived directly in and with nature. They were a part of it, were one of nature's nerves that sounded at the smallest change in the environment. And if all the inventions of the human spirit were only organic projections, then the power of every polytheistic cult to bless and destroy was an organic projection as well. Just as the soul was a mechanism of the body that looked out from the inside of it and projected out into the world, nature revealed itself to the heathen cults in powerful symbols.

In a confused battle the church destroyed one by one the veins, through which the blood of the earth flowed in man. It destroyed the unconscious natural selection process of nature that expressed itself in external beauty, strength and nobility. It defended everything that nature wanted to eliminate, that which was so powerfully repulsive, filth, ugliness, disease, the crippled, and the castrated. The Church would have loved it if everyone was castrated, the light extinguished and the entire earth allowed to be consumed with acid rain. It's only desire, its burning request, was the ardent wish that the recently promised Day of Judgment would finally come at last.”

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