MobileBridge Momentum ICO

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


MobileBridge Momentum revolutionises the marketing and loyalty paradigm.

MobileBridge blockchain based marketing automation platform rewards customers directly for theirattention, business, advocacy and insights they give to their favourite brands and retailers in the form of crypto-currency. This allows companies to directly attract, reward and engage with the customers that matter to them most, without traditional marketing intervention

The MobileBridge Momentum Platform will bring consumers two things they don’t get today; relevant marketing that is actually connected to what they care about, and a share in the value they bring to a brand or retailer.

MobileBridge Momentum is set to revolutionise the world of marketing and customer loyalty. It will redefine the way companies build and manage relationships with their customers.

MobileBridge (Zug, Switzerland) will be launching the world’s first blockchain and cryptocurrency based, marketing automation platform:

The MobileBridge Momentum Platform and theMomentum Token.

Traditional marketing methods and campaigns are often disliked by customers. They are often badly timed, lack in personalization and result in spam that mainly delivers negative value to the brand. Traditional loyalty programs repeatedly fail as consumers lack a sense of value or ownership. Point seither offer no tangible value or are difficult to spend resulting in unused points which ultimately expire and are wasted. The Momentum Platform allows companies to launch new, or convert existing programs into cryptocurrency — based marketing and rewards programs. By using the Momentum Token or launching their own branded crypto tokens on the Momentum Platform, companies can not only reward their customers in exchange for their purchases and loyalty, but also reward attention, brand advocacy and data insights, whilst giving the consumer full control of their data. Consumers will be able to easily use and enjoy their cryptocurrency reward tokens, but can also exchange their reward tokens into other branded reward tokens. For example; tokens collected while flying can be exchanged and used to enjoy a Burger meal or upgrading a rental car. Any unused tokens can be saved, traded or even gifted or donated.

The Momentum Tokenis the platform foundation and official cryptocurrency.It is the common exchange currency between all tokens launched and used on the Momentum Platform. Momentum Tokens can be kept in the wallet, traded for other branded reward program tokens, or exchanged into other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.


The MobileBridge Momentum Platform allows companies to reward their customers for driving revenue and brand awareness and turn consumers into a marketing machine. Every time a customer introduces someone to a brand, leaves a review, assists other shoppers, actively promotes a product or service on social channels, or performs any other activity that supports the brand awareness and drives revenue they will be rewarded with blockchain based tokens. Where in the past, people had to purchase cryptocurrency or invest heavily in ‘mining’ to earn them, with the MobileBridge Momentum Platform, consumers can now earn crypto tokens by investing their time, attention and good -will to promote the companies they like and trust.

The MobileBridge Momentum Platform enables companies to:

• Launch their own branded cryptocurrency–based marketing and/or reward schemes.

• Build up an excellent understanding of their customers’ behaviour.

• Connect with their customers and their friends, having meaningful conversations when it matters.

• Reward customers with crypto tokens, discounts or other incentives

• Enable consumers to collect crypto based rewards inside their local store, using mobile geo location, beacon technology and augmented reality.

Ultimately the MobileBridge Momentum Platformwill bring consumers two things they don’t get today; relevant marketing that is actually connected to what they care about,and a share in the value they bring to a brand or retailer. However, there is much more:

• Make relationships with people’s favourite brands much more enjoyable and valuable.

• Spam will be significantly reduced — Messaging and promotions will only ‘appear’ when they are relevant and part of the user experience.

• Consumers will be rewarded not just for repeat purchases but also for sharing their profile, insights and preference data, engagement, vocal support for the brand and ultimately their trust.

• Reward ‘points’ are replaced by cryptocurrency giving them real monetary value and use. Consumers can now decide where, how and when they spend their rewards.

• Personal and reward data will be stored in a secure and completely transparent way giving consumers control over what data they would like to share at all times.

By enabling companies to reach a larger percentage of their target customers much more effectively and reward them for their engagement and purchases whilst making significantly savings on their marketing budget, MobileBridge Momentum Platform and Momentum Token will significantly improve their marketing performance.

It also allows them to:

• Build user experiences that seamlessly combine their strongest online and in -store assets that perfectly match their consumers’needs.

• Shape real, long term relationships with the consumers that matter most. They can excite them and unleash their creativity to support their brand.

• Grow their target audience more accurately and quickly with the help of their best customers, saving costs.

• Increase their conversion rates and revenue through better content, personalisation and activation, enabled by tangible rewards and incentives, enhancing the customer experience.

• Measure, influence and optimise based on their targets for their return on investment (ROI).


Total marketing expenditures worldwide will pass $1 trillion soon. A large part of this enormous spend lacks efficiency, attribution or a clear ROI. The Momentum Platform will convert inefficient marketing Strategies into dynamic marketing machines driven by the most potent resource a company can ever have: their customers. The value of the loyalty rewards market will soon surpass $500 billion annually. In North America alone, the cumulative value of unused ‘points’ is approximately $100 billion. This Represents a vast number of frustrated customers with ‘points’ which they do not value and can never enjoy. This wasted potential can be transformed into happy, active customers who become brand ambassadors and influencers, helping to grow revenue and profit. Momentum Platform are leading a true revolution: disrupting traditional marketing and loyalty programs by decentralizing and crowd — sourcing marketing, using our own automation technology combined with the blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.

What makes MobileBridge Momentum ICO unique –

• MobileBridge is using blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to strongly boost existing cutting-edge technology and leading solution ( The KPI’s MobileBridge deliver to customers will be augmented by an order of magnitude as we introduce a real disruption to the world of marketing and customer loyalty.

• MobileBridge is an existing, successful business with existing technology and global customers such as Plus Supermarket, Pirelli, Burger King, Dansk Supermarked, Praxis and other leading brands (

• MobileBridge has introduced strong, self-imposed regulation to comply with Swiss legislation and beyond, managed by KPMG Switzerland to reduce riskfor participating token buyers.

• MobileBridge has a strong and experienced team that has proven in the past the capability to design and deliver ground — breaking digital products. We are backed by a world class team of investors and advisors with backgrounds in blockchain, crypto and global companies such as SAP Hybris, Salesforce, Intel, Accenture, Amazon, Forrester and Shell.

moment-tocen.png he Momentum Token powers the Momentum Platform:

• A rewards and loyalty token

Used by companies to engage and reward consumers not only for their purchases and loyalty but also for their data, their time and attention and for being brand advocates.

• A “Gateway” token

The Momentum Token allows consumers to swap company branded tokens into Momentum Tokens, which can be kept in their wallet, traded for other branded reward program tokens or exchanged into other cryptocurrencies

• A payment currency

Companies pay for using the Momentum PlatformTechnology and infrastructure using the Momentum Token

• A cryptocurrency

An ERC-20 encrypted digital currency, holding value and transferred between peers


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