Some facts about Albania.
1- Albania has the youngest demographics in Europe. In particular, 19% of Albanians has an age between 15-24-year olds. Here the source : The places in the world with the most young people, from Albania to Antarctica ( . There is also a median age of 32,5 years old. This is due to communism politics and of the mainly rural population of the past.
2- The Albanian demographics counts about 4,5 million people. Of that number, 30% i.e. 1,5 million Albanians live abroad, mainly in Greece, Italy, US, UK and Germany.
3- Life expectancy in Albania is 77.8 years (only six positions from US where such number is 79.3 years) outperforming many countries such as Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, UAE and Turkey. List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia
4- Albanian language is the only representative of its group (just like Greek or Armenean language) and occupies an independent branch of Indo-European language tree.
I wrote here about archeological research and prehistoric life evidence in Albania : Alket Cecaj's answer to If Albania was a more developed country, could we find more about Illyrians or will their history forever be unknown? (
5- Despite its size, for many years in the past Albania was the third country in the world for the production of chromium.
6-When you cross Albanian borders you find other Albanians. This is due to the opportunistic decision of Great Powers that right before WWI, which in order to please other countries such as Serbia and Greece awarded them large parts of Albanian territories. Read here for more info about countries where Albanians live : Albanians - Wikipedia (
There are many more interesting facts about Albania and the writer of this post plans to keep it updated.
This post originates from my Quora answer here :