Mastering Shitcoins: The Poor Man’s Guide to Getting Crypto Rich

in #crypto7 years ago

So you missed out on the crypto boom?

You had dreams of telling your boss where to shove it while you drove off in your shiny new pink Cadillac looking for the meaning of life but it didn’t happen.

Rage quit time!
Maybe you sat on the sidelines waiting for a good price that never came? These prices are crazy, you thought, they’ve got to come back down! Who would pay $10,000 for a single Bitcoin? It was only $1,000 a month ago. And so the prices kept blowing past you.

Or maybe you made all the mistakes in the Cryptocurrency Trading Bible parts one and two? You over traded, chased rallies too late, FOMOed, sold out too fast and in general did a lot worse than the market because you didn’t learn your lessons. The price to becoming a good trader is really, really high. Most people never make it. To get great at trading you have to lose a bunch of money fast and fail to outperform the market before turning it around.

If you’re lucky, you learn those lessons and wind up a savvy trader who trades well whether the market is up or down.

But the odds are against you. Human nature is against you. Emotions are against you. Everything is against you.

And yet there is hope.

You didn’t miss the boat. Well not totally. You can still swim out to it if you paddle real hard.

It’s not over. A mere 1% of people own crypto. Crypto can solve dozens of previously intractable problems, like digital identities, supply chain integrity, data breaches and many, many more.

But it’s going to take awhile. The crypto superhighway is still under construction. They’re paving the roads and pouring the cement. Nobody is living in the McMansions yet.

But…but…but bubble. Tulips. It’s all going to crash isn’t it?

Yeah. So what?

Let me let you in on a little secret. Ready?

This is the bubble Amazon and Apple went through during the crash.

Those were mountains at the time and now they’re mole hills.

I grabbed those screen shots from this amazing article that nails the true value of crypto on so many levels. Go read it right after this one and you’ll see that $5,000 or $10,000 or $25,000 doesn’t begin to reflect the value of Bitcoin.

Most people can’t see the future. It’s a total and complete blind spot to them, like staring into a snow crashed TV. As a futurist when I talk to people at parties they know I’m interesting and smart but they can’t hear a word of it. It’s like I’m the teacher in Charlie Brown.

While innovators live in the bright light of future possibilities, the rest of the world lives in the here and now. Inventors and futurists are the shaman and medicine men of the global tribe. The rest of the tribe are hunter-gatherers. And hunter-gatherers are 100% focused on the present. They have to be. There is no time for the future when you got to find the next meal.

And that’s why to the tribe self-driving cars are not real and will never exist. Virtual reality is joke. Bitcoin is a joke and a bubble and fraud.

Another genius predicting the future.
To the tribe, the Internet looked like a joke to them only twenty years ago, even though they live on it today. Self-sovereign money and privacy and decentralized blockchain voting are absolute mirages to them now.

But if you want to get crypto rich, they better not be mirages to you.

So how do you get there?

You don’t have time to watch charts all day. And you probably don’t have a lot of spare change to throw around. So you’re screwed right?


No matter what your free cash flow looks like you can invest in cryptocurrencies. Whether you have $500 or $1000 or $50,000 the rules are the same. I know a fellow who started with a $1000 he borrowed and made himself a millionaire.

Of course not everyone will have that kind of result. And that’s all right.

How about the gal I met who invested $2,000 and turned it into $70,000? Could you use an extra $70,000? Are you patient enough to go through an 85% draw down and the pop of the crypto bubble?

Then you too can get crypto rich.

Patience and long term vision is the key.

Remember, rich is relative. If you never made more than $25,000 a year in your whole life, than $100,000 is a lot of extra money. It pays a lot of bills and delivers a lot of peace of mind.

That’s why I am going to give you the simplest path to crypto rich. No trading. No watching charts.

Now I don’t recommend you borrow anything to do this and you should only invest what you can afford to lose. Don’t mortgage your house or you deserve everything that is coming to you when the bank comes calling. Do not be an idiot. If you think you’re the exception the percentages say you’re probably not so just put your money in the mattress because it’s a lot safer there.

But if you’re willing to have patience and do this the right way, there is a decent chance that you come out ahead in the future.


welcome welcome hi i am julie from oz! new shinning star of steemit community! analyst of crypto! any one need help in crypto ! i will help! i would also like to follow crypto experts!

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