The hope of Venezuela is in God #01 - Original Article

in #christianity7 years ago

Rather than reflect a theme based on the consequences and paths that must be taken, I will mention a few biblical scriptures, to be able to start in a more potent and appropriate way. The following biblical quotation follows:

"John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life".

The Venezuelan people are addicted to a war between political societies, where the people are divided between hatred and politics, the love of God is greater than all the things that exist in the whole world, we as children of God must spread The Christian word for every corner that exists in the world, we must demonstrate the living example, many people walk around the world walking disoriented, because they really need a helping hand or a brother in Christ that helps them to have control over their own lives , It is very difficult to leave only an economic crisis, to leave only a deprecion and to leave only a circumstantial problem, for that reason we must act, to demonstrate visible facts, this is not only responsibility of the pastor, our herd is gigantic and not only Located in the city where we live, this problem is serious where newborn babies die when they see the light of the world for not having the recommended health conditions and approve Jokes, are born malnourished. This is because of the economic crisis that the current Venezuelan country lives that is being managed by an illegitimate government.

The following biblical text refers to what is currently happening in the Venezuelan country by a large majority:

John 3:19. This is the cause of condemnation: that light came into the world, but mankind preferred darkness to light, because their deeds were perverse.

We are in memorable times, written in the word of God, we must pay close attention to what many peoples are doing for their decisions, they are preferring darkness instead of accepting the light of Christ in their lives, God for me is everything and The most important of my life, for my family God first before all things. God dines with us and God accompanies us by night and day, we must be prepared for his arrival and for this reason we must assume the shepherding that we have to fulfill to guide all our sheep disoriented so that they do not get lost in the wrong way.

Venezuelans need the light of the Lord Christ in their lives, because it is very important as brothers in Christ that no one is lost in the darkness.


Lord Jesus Christ, stay in their life. those who don't know you. Thanks @alej

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Hola! Así es, hay que tener mucha fe en Dios para salir adelante y tener un futuro en prospero en nuestro país que tanto amamos! Te sigo para leernos!

Muchas gracias de verdad.

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