Taiwan Bitcoin Thieves Arrested

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


In the city of Taichung A group of men convinced the victim, surname of Tai, that they were interested in buying bitcoins from him. They persuaded him to come to the city to make the sale face-to-face.

Tai came to Taichung to make the deal and met with the group of three men. Unlike other victims of cryptocurrency robberies, Tai did not come alone as he had a friend accompany him.

Once he showed them that he actually had 18 bitcoins in his possession on his phone, the men attacked him and his friend.

After the assault, the criminals forced Tai to transfer his 18 bitcoins to them. The overall value of the coins was 5 million Taiwanese dollars or $170,000 USD.

The crooks then forced Tai and his friend to drink a strong liquor called Kaoliang. The purpose of this was to make the theft look like a drunken brawl.

The police force received a call about a dispute and showed up. Two of the crooks fled but the third one was detained. Police noted that the heist was the first Bitcoin robbery to take place in Taiwan and that there was bloodstains at the crime scene, evidence of the brutal attack.

The two crooks who fled were later captured by police. One of them had even fled to an outlying island to evade police. Eventually, law enforcement arrested a fourth man, who is reputed to be the mastermind behind the robbery.

Content Source: bitcoinist

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