Six crypto investment funds to watch

in #bitcoin7 years ago

If players can influence the price of a cryptocurrency, it is the investment funds. For the most part, these funds are handling well over $ 100 million and such cash flow can only impact the price. We offer you a little tour (far, far from exhaustive) investment funds that are talking about them these days.

Galaxy digital asset fund

Some names are recurrent in the crypto universe. This is particularly the case of Mike Novogratz, enthusiastic inveterate digital currency. The billionaire investor recently left his retirement to launch an investment fund in the cryptocurrency market.

"I can hear the flock coming [...] I never thought of going out of retirement, but the universe is so exciting that I decided to start a business, hire a bunch of smart guys and set up a business. funds ... Then, I hope, take advantage of what I actually consider to be a revolution. A decentralized revolution. »Michael Novogratz

Named Galaxy Digital Asset, the fund hopes to reach $ 500 million. Novogratz told CNBC that it has invested $ 150 million out of its own pocket and plans to raise $ 350 million more by January.

A strong supporter of diversification, the Novogratz fund is divided between startups, ICOs and cryptocurrencies.


Blueyard is a fund of German origin focusing mainly on blockchain companies. The fund therefore invests primarily in start-up companies, which could have huge returns on investment if their goals are met.

That said, the universe of blockchain startups is ruthless, sometimes irrational, and many fail before reaching a satisfactory stage of viability. However, that says high risk says significant potential profits. Thus, this fund is not the least risky, but it could be extremely lucrative in the long run if the choice of startups is done seriously.

Logos Fund

Logos Fund was among the first crypto investment funds to see the light of day. It clearly stands out from the rest because of the nature of its investment: mining. Indeed, if Logos invests in cryptocurrencies, a good portion of its funds is also used to mine various currencies, which can guarantee its clients profits, even when the crypto market is down. The fund is currently in the business of about $ 100 million.


The Grayscale group was among the first to offer a bitcoin-based investment fund. The fund was born in October 2013 and has since diversified. Indeed, the group created two other funds: one on the Ethereum Classic, the other on the Zcash. The company currently manages more than $ 1.1 billion.

One wonders if Grayscale will eventually add other cryptocurrencies to its funds, after all, it is not the promising candidates that are missing.

Polychain Capital

Created by one of the first employees of Coinbase, Olaf Carlson-Wee, Polychain Capital has been in existence for more than a year, and sits on a fund of about $ 200 million. Once again, diversification is the foundation of this fund's investments.

"The best way to invest is to have a diversified portfolio. Olaf Carlson-Wee

One of the main objectives of the fund is to participate in promising and innovative projects.

"I'm trying to position myself as soon as possible on projects that I consider to be building the internet of the future, or on tokens whose applications could disrupt the main centralized web services" Olaf Carlson-Wee

Pollinate Capital

This fund, still young, was founded by a team with extensive knowledge in high frequency trading and macroeconomics. One of the key principles of this investment fund is therefore algorithmic trading. Their algorithms have already been tested in "normal" markets since 2008, and have seen encouraging results with cryptocurrencies.


Yeah, no. I will be buying my individual cryptos myself.

plagio, como sea está interesante y si no lo plagiabas no lo hubiera leido...

Hello ! I just read your article, I love it & I upvoted you. Follow me @osmanie and I follow you too!

Nice article! Curious if you found further information on Pollinate? They have a site but the information on the fund or people doesn't do much for trust building and is scarce on the net.

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