Phil Schneider Admitted To Aliens.... Then Was Found Dead.

in #aliens8 years ago (edited)

Who is Phil Schneider?

Nowadays it's a bit harder than it used to be to figure out information about Phil Schneider. That's because "they" killed him and now "they" had his Wiki page removed and he has been classified as a conspiracy theorist. A couple years back you used to be able to go to his Wiki page and read everything about his early child hood all the way up to his workings before the day he was found dead. Phil is one of the survivors with a shoot out with large grey aliens while building an underground base for the government.

What Wikipedia still shows on the "UFO Conspiracy Theory" page is that Phil was an engineer and geologist that formerly worked for the US government. He made appearences at UFO conventions in the 1990's and explained to be crowds the things he had seen while working for the government. Phil claims that he played a large role in the creation and construction of the DUMB (Deep underground military bases) bases, much like what we think of as Area 51. Phil was a geologist and his job, as he explains in the videos, was to figure out what explosives and materials they would use to construct these DUMB bases.

Phil goes on to explain that he survived the Dulce Alien Fight At Dulce Base. Phil was missing toes on one of his feet due to be shot by a plasma weapon that he claims grounded through his leg and burned his foot. He explains this in one of the videos below, not sure which part of 1-7. Guess you just have to watch them all :p.

Phil was spreading knowledge that the government didn't want others to know about. Phil was silenced. He had even warned his ex wife that if he was ever found dead, they would rule it a suicide and he told her he would never do that. Phil was found with a rubber hose wrapped around his neck and his apartment was ransacked and every bit of classified or important information was removed.

I have been trying to spread the story about Phil for years, but it has recently gotten harder since "they" are constantly trying to remove information from the internet regarding these truths.

Here is part 1 of 7 of Phil speaking at a convention. Another remarkable claim is that he says the US government can create impenetrable metal in the vacuum of space.

Watch the videos for yourself, they are long, but if you are any bit of a truth seeker then you might find something you're looking for.


Interisting. The allien theory is ad likely as any rerligious theory. Howeverdo I believe they are herre ANDout to get ud If theywherre here they are far more advanced and itvis amo cvontest. Do I believe there are alliens. Well it seems possible given the size of the univerrse. I do not though believe the conspiracies and thst they are little grey or green men that looks just like holliwood wants us to believe thery dfo. Dorry, I am just a natural cynic

I believe that with my understanding of physics, if any humans have figured out how to travel fast enough to reach the stars, they will come back not looking like a human. The effects of time change with the speed traveled. Moving at the speed of light around a black hole will essentially make you travel through time. I believe aliens are out there, and I believe if we start a nuclear war, they will show their faces. They don't want this precious planet destroyed, it took so long to seed and build what we have today.

One can only hope as many of our leaders are idiotic enough to start one

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