AIR-CLINIC WRITING CONTEST 23: Cough! Cough!! Cough!!!

in #air-clinic6 years ago (edited)

About a month ago, my one year old niece begun coughing and we immediately consulted doctor at district hospital. Doctor gave her emperical oral antibiotics therapy but cough and fever didn't resolve for fortnight.
So we moved on to pediatric department of tertiary centre where she was diagnosed to have pneumonia and was given intravenous antibiotic therapy for three days but cough still continued and they referred to state research centre where she wws admitted and advised CT SCAN.

As we approached radiology department, we were asked to come after a week for CT SCAN. I knew that this was normal in case of govt. hospitals but my brother was unaware of such circumstances and he felt it like baptism of fire.He wanted to get it done asap because we were already at the neck of time.

To avoid further delay, we got CT SCAN done in a praviate set up, although we had to pay big bucks there. We got report in an hour.

Scan showed that she had right lower lung lobe "cystic cavity filled with purulent fluid".

When consultant incharge saw the report next day, he told my brother that she may need a Surgery. On hearing this, my brother broke in tears and he called me to reach there immediately.

When I reached, I saw my brother crying his eyes out.I consoled him and told him that she needed a tube to drain pus. But no one in family was ready for any sort of invasive procedure and they resorted to spritual therapy.

But i wws aware of the fact that drastic times call for drastic measures.

Doctors put my niece on iv antibiotic therapy after cultural sensetivity testing but abscess did not resolve.So they insisted for decortication.

Neither medicine nor spiritual therapy could beat the time..

So we were left with no option than to obey advice and got decortication done.

Word count:320

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