Hail Dan!

in #aggrandizement6 years ago

<This is how you redeem yourself of your transgressions on steem and become a hero/celebrity forever!, you first have to write the ultimate shitpost, then run it through google translate to chinese, and back to english.

Then you hide it using html brackets, you also have to burn STEEM as penance, even a memo's worth will do, but ask yourself, how much do you love Dan, do you love a memos worth? an upvote worth? do you love him with all your heart.

Dan is a benevolent blockchain programmer, and his light shines upon all who are reemed by the block of Dan.

Repent your sins now and commune in the light of the holy SP as we send Dan our MEMOS in solemn VEST

pass one to another the upvote of faith, and stand strong against the scams for they are but tests of your faith brothers and sisters, for the return of the blog is near.

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