in #advisory6 years ago

The international trade content is based on license agreements that may differ according to the usage of video content. Trading licenses differ in different countries, and this has to be put into an account for every content to be shared. There are also other standards that must be taken to account. The business platform is internationally aimed therefore video licenses should put this into consideration. This, however, may arise with some problems that are being offered solutions to.
A. Global availability
The first and major problems arise in global availability. The legal systems, contract law and language differences differ globally. Knowing the differences is the duty of professionals in this sector, and it can be quite a task for a newbie to understand. The differences may arise in broadcast frequency, usage type among other forms.
This, however, should not make you refrain from participating in this company’s token sale. Common ground on this matter is being created. One which standardises and automates contracts while offering satisfactory benefits to both the buyers and the content vendors.
B. Complexity of videos
Unlike licensing of music, the licensing of the video is quite complex. This is explainable by that the basis of music licensing is the music file. On the contrary, a video license can comprise of different file types and sometimes different contracts. This is driven by the intent of usage by the purchaser. A defining example is that for music industry, a user purchases the right to play back the file.
To solve this, there are attempts to define the usage rights further more precisely.
These have been identified as setbacks towards the success of the project at hand. This should not hinder investors from being part of this ground breaking project. There are solutions set aside waiting to be implemented.
A. Automation and digitalization
Automation and digitalization is the first solution. Through the block chain smart contract template, it will be possible to capture the most relevant distinctions of international contract standards. That will create a form of uniformity for legal systems, contract law and language differences. The team involved in Welt der Wunder has vast experience that brings major contribution to MILC block chain project. The platform will now be able to create a video distribution systems that enhances video distribution that can accommodate the main contract law differences. This creates a user friendly platform to provide content buyer and content provider.
B. Providing price guidelines
Users can now follow defined guidelines and accepted standards. Users are also equipped with a platform that can accommodate individual negotiations. Users no longer have to be doubtful about the prices at a given economic period. The prices that reflect at every time are up to date with the international currency exchange.
C. Volume discounts
The advisory team and the managerial team are also looking into creating a platform that has pre-installed volume discounts that follow several norms. A user who purchases several hours from a certain content producer receives discounts.
When running any business, there are uncertainties. Most of which MILC sales platform has identified and is working to minimise to give content buyers and content providers an ideal activity to work in.

The MILC-website:-
The Bitcointalk ANN-thread:-

Bitcointalk username:- allen67

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