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RE: Finally

in #addiction7 years ago

Thank you for posting this ! Maybe the once in a while will work maybe it won't but the fact you were honest and didn't hide it is awesome ! A lot of people wouldn't post the next day. I gave up drinking for years and went back to once in a while and it's been fine. Someone else who gave up drinking and went back might be outta control again after years away. Only you know urself ! Everybody's different. I love reading ur updates I hope you'll keep em coming👍 Again just the fact You posted this says a lot about you and where ur head is at. don't let anyone tell you you screwed up ! you certainly did not ! You rock !


Wow! I think I love you!

Seriously, though, thank you so much! You have no idea the kind of impact your words have had on me. I was so torn, because I do know myself well enough to know that I wouldn't go overboard, but I was so worried about what everyone would say. Your comment is a relief and also highly encouraging. I considered posting about something else, but in the end I chose honesty.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate you!

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