Teungku Ilyas Leubee Long Laya Gayo ( TEUNGKU ILYAS LEUBE;SINGA GAYO YANG LEGENDARIS) [Billingual]

in #aceh6 years ago



Ilyas Leube was born in Kenawat, Laut Tawar, Central Aceh, in 1923. Bloody blue, he was listed as Reje Linge to XIX.

He is a very legendary figure in the history of the struggle movement in Aceh. Starting from the Dutch colonialism, Darul Islam, until the Free Aceh Movement. He does not like to see the people of Aceh suffer and oppressed under the arbitrariness of the ruler.

Once melegendanya him, his name is mahsyur to all corners of Aceh. In Gayo, about Ilyas flowing in the story of Kekeberen (Gayo History). He is a very pious, some Gayo people think of him as a magic mandraguna who makes the enemy's guts shrink when faced with him.

Leube behind Ilyas's name is not the gift of his real father, Mude Entan. While studying Normal Schol's school in Bireuen, Ilyas is one of the brightest and brightest students, besides Ilyas is also well versed in the science of religion. That is why Daud Beureueh nicknamed Leube. The title to Alim people who understand a lot about religion.

Tengku Ilyas Leube Gayo's best son, a charismatic cleric and also a fighter respected by his friend and feared by opponents. Patriotic soul and his fighting spirit so great for the religion and the land indatunya make him constantly struggling and voice the various injustices felt by the community.

His fighting spirit has been proven and tested in which history records it with gold ink struggle for the struggle, battle for the battle against the Dutch colonists he led himself with the troops bagura (guerilla ranks of the people). All the Gayo people must be proud because it has a generation that is able to show such high fighting spirit against colonialism.

On May 16, 1982, when Ilyas and four of his men were in ashar prayers, in a shack in Jeunib as a bascamp He was surrounded by RPKAD.

The eruption of the rifle blaring. "It was the victim of three people, and the other was only hurt. One of the dead is ilyas leube, this Lion takengon martyrs as a fighter of his people. Her blood wet her earth. Charismatic figure was dead by leaving a wife named Salamah Binti Salihin Inen Hudna.





Ilyas Leube lahir di Kenawat, Laut Tawar, Aceh Tengah, pada 1923. Berdarah biru, dia tercatat sebagai Reje Linge ke XIX.

Dialah sosok yang sangat melegenda dalam riwayat pergerakan perjuangan di Aceh. Mulai dari penjajahan Belanda, Darul Islam, hingga sampai Gerakan Aceh Merdeka. Dia tak suka melihat rakyat Aceh menderita dan tertindas di bawah kesewenang-wenangan penguasa.

Begitu melegendanya dia, namanya mahsyur ke seluruh pelosok Aceh. Di Gayo, tentang Ilyas mengalir dalam cerita Kekeberen (Sejarah Gayo). Beliau seorang yang sangat alim, sebagian masyarakat Gayo menganggapnya tokoh sakti mandraguna yang membuat nyali musuh ciut jika berhadapan dengannya.

Leube di belakang nama Ilyas bukanlah pemberian ayah kandungnya, Mude Entan. Ketika Menimba ilmu sekolah Normal Schol di Bireuen, Ilyas salah satu murid berprestasi dan cerdas, selain itu Ilyas juga fasih dalam ilmu agama. Itulah sebabnya Daud Beureueh menjulukinya Leube. Sebutan kepada orang Alim yang mengerti banyak tentang agama.

Tengku Ilyas Leube putra terbaik Gayo, ulama kharismatik dan sekaligus pejuang yang disegani kawan dan ditakuti lawan. Jiwa patriotik dan semangat juangnya yang demikian besar demi agama dan tanah indatunya membuat beliau tidak henti-hentinya berjuang dan menyuarakan berbagai ketidakadilan yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat.

Semangat juangnya telah terbukti dan teruji dimana sejarah mencatatnya dengan tinta emas perjuangan demi perjuangan, pertempuran demi pertempuran melawan penjajah Belanda yang beliau pimpin sendiri bersama pasukan bagura (barisan gerilya rakyat). Seluruh rakyat Gayo wajib berbangga hati karena memiliki satu generasi yang mampu menunjukkan semangat juang yang demikian tinggi dalam melawan penjajahan.

Pada 16 Mai 1982, saat Ilyas dan empat anak buahnya sedang salat ashar, disebuah gubuk di Jeunib sebagai bascamp Beliau dikepung RPKAD.

Letusan bedil membahana. “Saat itu yang menjadi korban tiga orang, dan satu lagi hanya terluka saja. Salah satu yang wafat adalah ilyas leube , Singa takengon ini syahid sebagai pejuang bangsanya. Darahnya membasahi bumi indatunya. Tokoh kharismatik itu wafat dengan meninggalkan istri bernama Salamah Binti Salihin Inen Hudna.




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