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RE: Is Our Education System Teaching Us Anything of Real Value?

in #education7 years ago

Thank you @valued-customer both for the upvote as well as the terrific comment. :c)

I really appreciate that you have taken the time to share not only your, less than stellar experiences with the system - and your views thus, but also to share your experiences in educating your offspring via a blend of both homeschooling and state learning.

Reading your experiences have been eye-opening.

I also feel that your observations are quite on-point. Yes - education does seem to be designed with the interests of employers and controllers in mind. Your kids were very lucky to have a less dehumanizing start to their education.

I never paid too much heed to the boundaries of the Eurasian plate - but it is certainly but the residual tip of the iceberg of the body of carefully selected information designed to exert the precise degree and nature of control upon the next generation during their most impressionable and vulnerable years possible.

Rather than suffer from PTSD I am more inclined to mourne all the possibilities and experiences that I have forsaken in the mandated pursuit of hollow qualifications of very little meaning.

Things do need to change - and the changes necessary shall need to be drastic - as a small but important part of a global shift in paradigm - as the human race evolves toward a better path. That is the hope.


I am glad my words have been of use to you.

I also regarded much of what I learned to be of little use, and set about teaching myself what I reckoned I should know - and avoided school like the plague while doing so.

Regarding the PTSD, I suffered violent abuse in school, by up to 40 attackers at a time, and including school staff. In Alaska, at the time, physical punishment was the SOP, and when I was involved (attacked) in an altercation, I was always the one beaten by the teacher, or principal of the school.

This continued until I ended the problem, by convincing the individual perpetrators of the violence that the consequences of it would be existential.

So, my son being Homecoming King, Captain of the football team, and so forth, I consider a singular victory in my parenting, in view of my own incapacity to tolerate institutions.

Yes they have @valued-customer.

To be the target of violence and abuse is the sort of thing that would give a person PTSD - yes... and I am seething just thinking about the prospect of a person being the target of up to forty others - some within a position of responsibility. ¬_¬ It frankly reminds me of the workings one might expect with organized criminal organizations.

It is remarkable that you managed to convince (threaten?) that many people to stop.

This all definitely adds contrast to the successes of your son during his time within the public education system.

You have done good, sir. Really good.

"... organized criminal organizations."

That's pretty much how I feel about them.

I grew up on an island of mostly wilderness, and everyone knows where everyone lives. While I couldn't do much against gangs of thugs, one at a time they were much more reasonable.


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