Sunday Multivitamins | A Chill Sunday

in GEMS4 years ago


Woke Up

No, I did not wake up like the girl did in the picture this morning, smiling, I mean who does that anyways, haha. My feet and arms were spread out on the bed and was completely in the right posture and I didn't want to move an inch. I blinked a few times letting my eye adjust to the morning room lightings and I realized, 'Hey! Did my alarm go off yet?' I set my alarm to be awake by 9am so I could bath and head to church. One of the things I was already planning to do was stop by Mcdonald's for their breakfast. It has been awhile since I had the Mcdonald's pancakes and egg burgers. Those were delish!~

Yea, so coming back to me on my bed, I reluctantly shifted my body to grab my phone and found out it was already 10.30am and church has already started. I set the my alarm to go off at the correct time but the days were Monday - Friday. Seeing that I live quite far from my church and it'll take about a half an hour's drive to get there, without jam, I decided to sleep in this morning and spent some time just chilling in my PJs.

Let me tell you, I needed that break from everything, from people, from going out, my introverted side in me needed time to recuperate after all the stresses from work has thrown at me for three weeks straight. I'm glad that I finally have the time to actually not chase anything.


I spent a good deal in bed, watching some youtube videos and checking discord. I always check discord first thing in the morning to see what I've missed the night before from my beloved communities. Everything seemed normal and nothing out of place so I decided to watch some gaming videos on youtube to get my engine started. A while later, I fell back to sleep. Like I've told a few of my friends on Steemit, my bio clock is haywire for the past 3 weeks. Before that, it was already haywire but I fixed it with proper sleeping time. Now it's back.

I woke up at 11.30am to a sound of a text with my friend texting and asking where was I because she didn't see me in church. I told her I overslept and she asked if I wanted to grab lunch at ChimiChurris, our favourite Sunday lunch hangout place.

ChimiChurri, healthy poke bowl

You basically get to set your ingredients and your sauces. The best part about it was how fresh the ingredients tasted and the portion of it is HUGE! Along the way, I get to play my own zord's masterchef by telling the counter girl who was preparing my food how I wanted it prepared. Haha, she must hate me. But I love my FOOD and of course the company that comes with it.


My most recent bowl was the one below. It was chicken breast, butter cream & rendang sauce, mashed peas, pastas, roasted vegetables, couscous, cucumber, LOTS of onions, capsicum, and others. I can't really remember what but it was my favourite combo ingredients.

I enjoyed good conversation with the people I like and a good healthy meal.

When I got home earlier, I had my dinner delivered to me with one of my favourite delivery service to date. It's not cheap but I love the meals and they were efficient and healthy. I don't usually have anything to cook at home because I usually work late and wouldn't have the energy to come home, prep a meal and wash up after. So I'm glad I found this delivery service.

As I was waiting for my meal and all, I was thinking, to be where I am now, I must be really blessed. Though I'm not rich in terms of financially, but I have a good family, friends that I can count on, being able to make decisions whenever I want to, I mean if that's not blessed, I don't know wat is. I am rich in blessings. I have seen on facebook many times about certain situations my friends are going through, how indecisive they are with their life , I just can't help but worry for them and their future. Like when would they wake up and actually get a job.

I remember not too long ago, a friend of mine dropped me a message on Facebook asking me if I had connections to a good job or know how to make money. Zord being zord, as you know me, I would always listen him out first and help whenever I can (sometimes I think it's a waste of time). But he started telling me how hard life is but the thing is, when I gave him options for what might be a 'better job' in terms of prospect, he didn't want it because let's just say, it's not 'his cup of tea'. Alright, so I showed him Steemit because he is a gamer and he told me that twitch doesn't pay you unless you are super famous in the internet world. Took him through a brief walkthrough, as I wanted him to be able to stand but also giving him space to walk and learn himself. I was also keeping my time spent on him in check because I wanted to see how serious he was about actually making money or getting his life in check.

Ending in Conversation

I do not know where I'll be in the next few years but I definitely don't want to be 'that guy' in the story. Talking about the next few years, where do you see yourself in maybe 10 years? Do u see yourself improving in lifestyle? Getting to where you want to on your career path? I would love to know you better, so do leave it in the comment section below. Doesn't have to be realistic if you want to have a go at being ambitious, just want to hear your thoughts.

Thank You

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Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189


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