Celebrating Yuna's Birthday (Part 2)

in #food4 years ago

Now before you continue reading this, be sure to check out part 1 which I posted yesterday about some of the preparations for yuna's birthday. The gift order, the melting cake.... Where did I stop? Hmm..

Oh right! Did the cake melt in the end? Strap in for the last part of Yuna's birthday coming right up.

So on the day of the trip up to Yuna's hometown, I woke up at about 10am because I needed to pick up the cake at 11am. We could've all gone earlier to her place in the morning but some of them had cycling in the morning, so I had to wait for some of them because they were carpooling my car. Also, usually for one day road trips, we would depart earlier as to make full use of the day there. But this time, the agenda was to be reaching at a lunch spot I've set by 2pm there.

At 12.30pm, I departed to pick up the rest. I threw all the ice bags into cake box, made sure I tackled every corner of it and turned my car's AC to high.

Now the trick was to get to the dinner restaurant the first thing I reached yuna's hometown. That way, Yuna wouldn't know we got her a cake and most importantly the cake didn't have to be in the car for another 6 hours till dinner.

We got to Seremban pretty late at 2.15pm but because I had to make this cake detour to hide the cake at the restaurant first, I only managed to pick up Yuna and bring her to lunch at 3pm. I actually had other plans for the rest, but due to time constrain, we all decided to just head to the famous seremban snack confectionery place.

After the delicious laksa meal, we drove to this confectionary place where you can get seremban's famous siew pao which translates to fried bun. It is filled with chicken or pork inside and I had to get my hands on some of the pork ones. They sell other Malaysian confectioneries like the 'lou poh ben' aka wife's biscuit, some egg tarts and many other snacks.

After everyone finished buying the snacks, it was almost time for the birthday.

I booked the place called jigger and shaker which happens to be in a fancy clubhouse,so that was a big plus for me. I was so afraid that the place was going to be a little not suitable for big birthday gatherings and also because when I was making the reservation, the guy said he put us to sit outside. Thank God the place was beautiful. You can practically see all the rich people coming into the clubhouse with their kids.

Since we came early, we sat and ordered drinks first then food later. Jigger and shaker serves a fusion of western and Asian dishes and price wise wasn't the most expensive at its portion and quality. It was yuna's first time having her own glass of red wine, a shiraz :)

There was grass-fed lamb rack, braised lamb shank, chicken blanquette, huge meat and fries platter, risotto, panini and many more food we had.

At last! The cake could finally make its way to Yuna's side. I got her a sparkling candle too because why not right? Make everything a bit more special. The cake did not melt! I was happy that everything was going well and I really hope @yunayuna had the best time of her life. Hope this birthday was meaningful and a memorable one for you and last but not least, a Happy Birthday once again!

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