Busy.org vs. Steemit.com - some statistics
It is interesting to see the difference between the two websites. I made some review about the steemit.com Alexa ranking before and now I have found a website to see some statistics and compare the two.
Steemit stopped climbing the Alexa ranking and is at the 2172nd place while busy is on 81,651st. Quite a big difference and looks like the growth of busy also stopped a bit recently.
We can see huge difference between the number of visitors and steemit.com is far ahead.
Page views are dropping rapidly on steemit.com but it has more than 175.000 visitors while busy.org has around 5,000.
These stats are maybe not correct but it is good to check different sources and to see the bigger picture. This is what I have found.
It is a surprise how the time spent on site is dropping, not long ago it was nearly 9 minutes and now it is just 7:17. LEss good content or lack of interest?
Please let me know if I missed something!
could we rely on these stats with pageviews dropping?
I think Alexa.com gives us a rough estimate but the drop from 9 minutes to nearly 7 means something is not cool, even when the numbers are not correct, it is a big drop.