Chokepoint 2020-2023: How to Avoid Becoming a Future Scapegoat

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

If you live in the USA, there’s a higher probability of future danger if you’re involved in cryptocurrencies. I struggle with the need to post on Steemit (for profits in Steem) and the need to stay private. This is an issue that makes me very nervous, so I will be getting a passport just in case. It’s not really in my nature to run either (I’m a legitimate badass and have backed down violent thugs in bad neighborhoods), but I don’t want to have to kill anyone in self defense and I can foresee several scenarios that can put crypto users in that kind of danger.

Because I was in a few life/death situations in the near northeast side of Syracuse in the 1970’s, I know how my survival skills kick in. If you’re wearing a badge, it won’t help you stay alive if you threaten my life accidentally or otherwise. The problem is that in the future, as the banking systems of the world start to fail (when fake news becomes fake money), those in authority will get desperate. I know from personal experience that the line that separates the lawful and unlawful is thin under normal circumstances and completely evaporates when you’re about to die.

Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 6.33.46 PM.png
(Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunction of spring 2020 as displayed in Delphic Oracle)

While I have astrological reasons that suggest the timing of this (at least personally), I prefer to deal with the causes that are actually tangible, and there are plenty of those at this point. There is legislation being proposed to criminalize crypto use under AML, although it’s got a long way to go before it becomes law and will not likely make it in its current form…

(credit - Andreas Antonopoulos)

Those of us on Steemit have a special problem because our posts link us publicly with an open wallet letting everyone know just how much you make. Make too much in a desperate situation and you can become the target of a kidnapping or hostage situation, such as "if you want to see your children alive, send your Steem to ____ address". When you're powered up of course, the long duration is of some protection, but for those with millions of Steem, this can become a legitimate concern if a one week payout can amount to "too much". Those who start powerdown might find that on the 6th day, they get just such a threat.

Why would this become a more widespread problem instead of something that happens more rarely? We’ve been hearing about such places as Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, India, Ukraine, etc all experiencing currency collapse as the result of the currency wars. The last battle will be between the USD and other cryptocurrencies. The borderless and censorship resistant properties of internet money will hack away at the USD as a store of value. When banks can no longer prop up the debt of the USD based system, everyone will be in a rush to the exit.

bacon makes better currency

What happens when the cops who are told by authority to do their jobs with national fiat that becomes next to worthless? They start taking bribes in the illegal currencies that have real store of value. Then those at the top who signed their names on the law lie in wait because they know what comes next. They look for cops who were financially compromised in order to extort more of the illegal currency. Then the cops bribe the judges, the judges bribe the politicians, until the illegal currency makes it’s way all the way to the top.

This happens because man made laws cannot overrule the laws of nature. When faced with death, paper withers.

Donations (public bitcoin address):



We are still in a deflationary depression, began August 1999 and thru Fall 2011. From Fall 2011 we've been in a correction upwards, but still far far below those 1999 highs. Deflation should still be on the mind, given oil's 150-year lows achieved as recently as January 2016. Our point is, fiat cash will have it's last day in the sun, but it will be quite a glorious day. So it's actually the holders of crypto whom should be most scared of losing their wealth if they have none of it parked in fiat.

Astrological is interesting to us. What year was the last 3 times the Spring 2020 conjunction event happened?

We are big fans of Plato by the way, he shaped important views on political shifts in any society, as if politics were the same as seasonal weather patterns.

As for Physics, there IS physics involved in planetary cycles. Gravity is a force, and planets are the means to changing that force for Earth-bound humans. If you don't believe gravity affects humans or earth on a broader basis than just causing Earth's orbit around the sun, consult any woman on how they change with the moon, or watch any tide roll in or out at your local harbor. The moon is close and tiny, but has massive effects on people and earthly things. The planets are farther away, and thus have less effect, but like the moon they move in cycles, and all earthly things are affected by gravity just like your body is affected by changes in atomospheric pressure which isn't visible. Sure, cue balls can strike the 9 ball, but that's obvious bc we can SEE it. How about something that levitates like a Maglev train? Just bc you can't SEE magetic force, doesn't mean it can't kill you if you ignore it.

so maybe your belief in astrology isn't that mystical or going against your logical side. Maybe you/we just can't see the cycle changes bc they are so long, longer than human lifetimes or on par with human lifetimes. Can you see an 80 year storm coming? Only when its close, but being 2 years away from an 80 year storm feels not much different than being 40 years away, yet it's closer.

think you should explore more of the astrolocial, but be scientific about it. Try to explain history with what the planets are doing, and try to draw conclusions. Until then, yes, it's useless and might as well BE mystical belief.

As for Steemians with lots of steem fearing kidnapping, yeah sure, but maybe that's one of the big problems with Steemit is they never valued anonymity in the first place.

as far as the video is concerned, gold ownership was criminalized for decades in the good old gold-backed-dollar United States. How many people in the United States migrated out of the US due to this policy? That's the question to ask oneself.

so maybe your belief in astrology isn't that mystical or going against your logical side.

I don't believe in astrology. I seriously doubt the planets are doing anything other than being predictable in their orbits. Because they are predictable, you can map against it to human life which is non-random and predictable. Turn the chart 180 degrees, makes no difference other than you might be speaking Japanese instead. I wrote the Theory of Geocosmic Coincidence nearly 20 years ago that explains how I view the subject.

Given that astrologers often can't agree on the divisions of the zodiac and that the rules vary so widely as to be almost unrecognizable to each other, but yet they can still "make it work" is what points me in this direction of thinking. It's like switching languages to describe the same phenomenon.

Dang harpooninvestor, if there’s an award for detailed comment going the distance, you win!
But no passport zoidsoft, you really don’t have one? Certainly yours is just expired, and you’re not actually confined. Really? No passport??

Never had a reason to get one. I refuse to fly after my experiences the month before 911 and since 911, knew it could only be worse. I'm probably on a no fly list now anyway. But it might be worth going up to Canada at some point.

We've never seen anything convincing on planets or other gravitational factors, but not many people really do serious research here either.

There's plenty of factors which REAL physicists and astronomy folk theorize which could affect human/societal cycles. Again, some of these phenomena are on such a long cycle, no modern scientist has been able to account for any of it. Ever try to document "every 26 million years" using old rocks?
Ok, so a "second sun" theory is a TAD beyond the scope of our lifespans, but you get the point. While a 2nd star would SURELY affect every living species on earth, we shouldn't underestimate changes in gravity which are smaller in scope, or much much shorter in duration than 26 million years. Take major conflicts for instance. 80 years is an entire lifetime, but we have a major major conflict about on that schedule...
2021 is coming up, but roughly 82 years prior to that was start of World War 2
1939: beginning of World War 2, and 82 years prior to that was...
1857: the REAL beginning of the American Civil War (after Panic of 1857, see Nebraska Territory for how the Civil War REALLY began)
1775: The beginning of the American Revolution (which included France as well). 82 years prior to that...
1693: the heavy fighting began of the 9 years war involving France, Netherlands, England, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire.

We're not historians, nor astronomers, but it's a bit eery that Occupy Wall St and the "Tea Party" are rising phenomena in our current age, one who's next economic downturn will almost surely bring violence.

Old clever Wall Streeters believe in hemlines too... you sell when they are high, and buy when they are low:

Physicists just experimentally proved the existence of gravitational waves, long ago correctly theorized by Einstein and others of his time. Not any easy experiment, you have to put measuring meters the size of buildings in different time zones. The waves are coming from cataclysms across the universe, so potentially on the order of billions of years ago. Do THEY have an effect? They sure do. Everything has an effect, so while the Zodiac folk are probably the equivalent of Snake Oil Salesmen are to modern liver transplant surgery, it doesn't mean "the stars" as we generalize everything outside of our solar system don't have effects on living species on earth. Gravitational waves go right thru your body, and while we don't have sensors to measure that small, it doesn't mean pieces of your body aren't afffected. Gravitational waves are often VERY cyclic due to orbital motion, but also erratic (ever try mapping the motion of 3 large objects using gravity? 4? VERY tough problems even to this day). So cycles based on gravitational forces may not be as easy as "every 82 years". But one thing is clear, they travel quickly such that every species on earth is affected almost instanteously at the same time. Imagine if a rainy day, or high barometric pressure, or heavy wind, or the Northern Lights all happened to everyone on earth at the same time. Fine Fine men of math and physics have applied things as simple as the snowfall in Central Park to stock market performance, and are making PLENTY of money over a long stretch of time to prove it works and is no hoax (see Rennaisance Technology Capital run by a crypto-math guy).

All we were saying is, astronomy might matter more than we think, even tho no one has really done a great job documenting it, and the math involved might be quite complex.

We are men of science, not mysticism, so don't peg us as some looney-tunes reading Nostradamus for answers to who the next President will be or the end of the world.

and if large-scale violence breaks out within a year or two of 2021, don't be terribly surprised. Maybe it's as simple as a single human lifetime runs about 80 years, and people get on edge once per lifetime. We don't know, we're just saying it's honorable if anyone even attempts to make sense of cycles, orbits, or anything related to forces humans can't see or sense in their lifetimes. Humans are mere specks in time and space, after all.

Well astrologically speaking may 15th we see Uranus, the planet of unexpected surprises, come into taurus which more or less rules money and material wealth. It is only a brief ingress into taurus for 5 months and then it retrogrades back in Aries for a little while. This could be the start of unexpected regulations or issues with the money system. I think bitcoin is public enemy number 1 and will be a primary target of financial regulations as well as sabotage or take over from the current power structures. I am advising people to run over to alt coins or sell most of their crypto in short order.

That being said Uranus coming into taurus could spell more issues for the current established financial system then it could for bitcoin. One of the astrologers I follow who is incredibly intelligent is adamant we are going to see issues with bitcoin and that it will not be the saving grace most are hoping for. That doesn't mean crypto is out of the game but he says whatever the next big thing is going to be it isn't going to be bitcoin.

Not to mention the next 3-5 years is going to see the pile up in Capricorn, including Saturn the ruler of Capricorn, which means a whole lot of rules and regulations coming down. We have not seen this much in Capricorn since 1278 aka the dark ages. But what did the dark ages represent? The suppression of the light, the suppression of knowledge and growth. I think there are far too many tools in humanity's tool box for things to go the same as they did in the past. This is a real opportunity not only for survival but for success. We have the power to create the new systems that will see us thrive.

Things are definitely getting pretty dicey but we still have plenty of time to build out systems that will carry people forward. We all know something is coming that is going to fuck a lot of people over and as much as I want to bounce most don't have that option. Many will be stuck here in the shit and have no choice but to build something better. At the end of the day we have a scalability problem in all of the world and we need to start going back to square one and trying it again. Time for more gardens, more skills, more ingenuity, and more conscious use of resources. The Aquarius party in about 5 years is going to usher in the future we have all been imagining for the last 20 years and it is this next 5 year period that is going to build it. I think investing our resources properly will result in good results and that is the dream of many in the crypto space. Right now a lot of it is just empty wealth, it's not really doing anything. I'm hoping to make it as real as I can and asap.

I'm familiar with the symbolism (started this study back in 1975), but a "takeover" is not visible within the code (I've been a programmer for more than 2 decades now). There's nothing in the code that will allow for authority to "take it over". If it fails, it will have to be something else. There already was an attempted "take over" and it led to a fork. This will be the result of any attempted takeover for technical reasons.

The scaling issue last August caused a BCH fork and several subsequent forks. The fact that it couldn't reach consensus and they went ahead and implemented code changes anyway created incompatibility so that these networks couldn't communicate any longer even though they have the same blockchain history. It just led to the proliferation of more coins.

Regulation is coming, but because bitcoin is beyond jurisdictions (it's actually impossible to carry bitcoin because it's numbers in cyberspace), the laws would only apply in national borders. The internet is not that easy to kill because of the tens of thousands of nodes dispersed in multiple jurisdictions where regulations will all be different.

In order to eradicate bitcoin, they will have to outlaw the memorization of numbers and cryptographic agreements. For some people, that would require a lobotomy.

Robbing me is the same as robbing a charity, because you'd literally be doing just that when it comes to my cryptocurrencies. Would be nice to have some level of privacy, but I still have to release financial reports all the same due to the nature of being a charity.

I very very like this post. Require many information.

I see what you are saying, I pray that there will be only limited violence when fiat fails ...

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