in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hello friends of STEEMIT.

My name is Pedro Rafael Contreras Delgado, born in South America, in the Venezuelan Andes in a small town called Queniquea in the Táchira State, Venezuela.

In this long, but fruitful walk in the experience to which we all call life, I have experienced a lot of situations, which have made my trip a spectacular journey.

In this summary of this journey, I want to share those experiences in the world of my knowledge that covers important areas, such as: the unfolding of time and space, truths about the real properties of water, updated knowledge of our holographic world, basic concepts of the quantum world and finally, the answer to the question we ask ourselves every day, the mystery of why we are here, all revealed to us in our Akashic records. All these topics will be shared in summary form in several articles trying to deliver the information in such a way that you can use in your daily life.

I did my first studies in the city of San Cristóbal, Táchira state, Venezuela, where I took my first steps in the world of the Catholic religion. There I studied two (2) years at the Santo Tomas de Aquino Diocesan Seminary and I got to know the Catholic religious world from the inside, by the way, my life is not religious and then I finished my first basic education by completing my Baccalaureate at the Simón Bolívar High School, obtaining the mention of Sciences. I have always been drawn to the engineering sciences, and so, I established a route to obtain my advanced degree in engineering. This learning taught me the physical details of the material world, however, I always felt that I was missing something. I followed my path of life without any complains. I achieve most of my goals as magic, a path that took me to my initial experiences in the United States of America. There, I married for the first time with an American girl (First stumble in the art of loving) and finished my professional engineering career. However, something beautiful came to my path, there was born my first son, Pedro Jr., whom I love deeply.

Once I finished my engineering studies, I returned to my home country, Venezuela, where I started working as an engineer and there, an angel was sent to my life, to whom we named Aubrey Fayette, I love you my lovely daughter forever. After completing this two (2) year cycle, I returned to New York where I was working for two (2) years, obtaining a great experience in Sanitary Engineering, but my personal life as a couple went very bad, it deteriorated and it ended with the separation in divorce of my first wife, so I entered a period of existential crisis, where I began to question even the Creator. After several months of crisis, I made the decision to return to my country and it became a very transcendental decision due to the separation from my children whom I love and I will continue to love them until the end of time.

At this moment, I started a new definitive cycle in my life, since I was devastated by the separation of my children, my spiritual lessons began with detachment and I lived a period where everything happened as in a movie, where I just sat down to observe what happened to day occurred, without giving much importance to life situations. At that time, I met a lady named Ana María who was the person who gave me the first real guide of what was really our world and our existence, thanks Ana María for your teachings and for our son Alfredo Elias, I love you deeply my son, however, my interest in the spiritual world began with all the contributions of Ana María. I began to study the Metaphysical world and I went into an act of devouring information, but it did not seem to satisfy my thirst for knowledge. After my separation from Ana Maria, I entered into a state of total spiritual life and focused on my work and it was when I met a being that I thought would bring love, peace and prosperity to my existence and it did for a period of almost two (2) decades. Something surprising happened, I received the blessing of becoming again the father of a beautiful creature whom we named Lizbet, who brought much happiness and love to my life and still does it until the present moment. But not satisfied with that Anabel shared with me the birth of my beloved Audrey and with these two little angels I have received all the love and support necessary to continue my existence with all the ups and downs, especially my daughter Audrey my eternal companion. The separation of my beloved Anabel was terrible because I lived a stage in total search of consolation and it was this fact that make me to my current state of evolution, thanks Anabel, I will always remember you for sharing that experience.

I describe very quickly my life experiences that are more relevant and that have made me, the being that I am today. After much meditating, I see my life as a movie with a script common to many beings who together walk on this beautiful planet called Earth. However, I have never fainted in the search for that question ... what am I really doing here on this planet? In the end, I found the answer to my question and that is exactly what I will share with you in my next post.

To finish this summary, I want to do it mentioning a poem by Max Ehrmann that starts this way

"Walk placidly between noise and haste; and think about peace
That can be found in silence.
As much as possible and without giving up, keep good relations
With all the people.
State your truth in a calm and clear way
And listen to others, even the clumsy and ignorant
They also have their own story ... "

And this is my story….!!!

Greetings brothers and sisters and may the Creator fill your existence with blessings ...



Some really good content, I personally would like to welcome you to steemit and hope to see more posts from you in the future. Is an upvote from me and hey it would be great if you don't mind checking out my blog and read one of them, and if you like it even follow.

Thanks for your comments and I'll be sure for your blog

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