Free Market Rules: Kathy Griffin Loses All Of Her Shows, Sponsors, & CNN Job After Trump-Beheading Stunt

in #media7 years ago (edited)

 Authored by Mac Slavo via,

D-list comedienne Kathy Griffin is done.

Following her recent photo and video shoot involving a severed and bloodied head of President Donald Trump, Griffin took a lot of heat from both left and right. And while we fully support Griffin’s right to free speech, however gruesome, hateful or misdirected, the consequences for her artistic expression continue to play out in epic form.

Though she tried to side-step and place blame for the national blowback squarely on the shoulders of Donald Trump, the American public was having none of it.

Now, just one week after her “art” went viral across the internet to the outrage of millions of people, we learn that Griffin, who was already struggling to fill comedy shows and obtain sponsors, has been shunned by everyone she is financially involved with:

So, that’s everyone. CNN (after waiting nearly a day) decided to can Griffin from her annual New Year’s Eve appearance (where she flips people the bird and makes Anderson Cooper giggle like a school girl). And every single one of her upcoming gigs for her comedy show has been canceled. Every. Single. One.

“Kathy Griffin’s Celebrity Run-Ins Tour” (hilarious!) had planned seven stops, a few in California, a few more around New York City, and one in New Mexico. So, Griffin’s metamorphosis is complete. She went from a D-list comedian with one sponsor who hardly ever works (seven shows between now and December is not exactly a packed schedule) to a former comedian with no sponsors and zero upcoming shows.Via The Daily Wire

As Top Right News so succinctly sums up:

Brutal. But well deserved. Kathy has no one to blame but herself. That’s the free market at work.  We should never take pleasure in seeing someone lose their job but companies have a right to determine whether or not they want to stand behind disgraceful behavior like that.

We have no doubt that Griffin will continue to blame the President, the racist alternative media, those pesky Deplorables, and especially 11-year old Barron Trump for her financial woes. 

Anyway it's not like class has ever been her strong suit...


Her "art" was in very bad taste. Can't say I'm sorry she is out of a job so to speak.

Exactly, her art was disgusting. Now they have some play that is about Caesar and Trump apparently plays him. They kill him in that too... This shit is really disgusting, no presidents should be assassinated for entertainment.

Appreciate any likes and follows, just trying to spread some truth :)

What she does is up to her, she just shouldn't be surprised if there are repercussions.

I just texted my wife about this.

Her response was, "That's funny" my response to her was , "yes, THAT is."

Kathy Griffin's "comedy" lacks the sophistication of classic comedians.

Dave Chappelle for White House Press Secretary.

Who's with me?

Hell yeah! Chapelle is awesome and I still go back and watch his stuff from time to time.

Kathy isis griffin is a loser. She is a cry bully as Stefan Molyneux calls them. She bullies everyone she can and whena bunch of people get mad at her bullshit she hires a lawyer and says everyone is out to get her. She painted a target on herself and she is such an idiot.

Appreciate a like or follow, trying to meet new people and spread the truth!:)

True that, appreciate a follow :)

Hollywood is draining into the abyss. Why they want to separate the people and go against over 50% of the voting public is BEYOND ME..

its got nothing to do with art,this is what there labeling things, that are obscene with now hoping the dumbed down ,will say aahh its just a new form of art ,where does it stop .it was disgusting and frightening for children to see that,she knew what she was doing and who was watching,but doesn't care because she has no morals.she probably thought been jewish and( 96%)of the media is owned by the jews she would have got of with it and she would have if the public hadn't made a big uproar about it,but they did and thats why shes been sacked only due to the publics reaction.

For many celebrities a sincere apology leads to a comeback. Americans are very forgiving. wonder if Kathy Griffin get this?

She deserves everything that happens to her. I have always said that business should keep their political views to themselves because there are probably at least half of their customers that disagree with their views. Take Target and Kelloggs as examples.

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