Zeke Thoughts - Stop Saying Sorry!


About once a week, I share some nugget of wisdom that has helped me and get a little preachy. It can be an awesome pearl given to me years ago that I have worked into my arsenal and had great success with. It can be a meme that struck me and I feel is worthy of some conversation. Either way, positive thoughts and conversation on the blockchain is a noble cause as we help eachother improve financially, socially, and personally.

Additionally, I suggest you create your own #thoughtfuldailypost along with @wesphilbin and the crew, and come pimp it with the supportive and entertaining folks on The Ramble https://discord.gg/UNK5A6 every Thursday on #PYPT Pimp Your Post Thursday. You will get rewarded in Shade tokens AND meet some folks who will become good blockchain buddies.


Stop Saying Sorry!


First of all, telling a Canadian to stop saying sorry is like asking them to avoid using EH? at the end of every sentence, or saying aboot instead of about. I know this.

That being said, take a look at those examples and imagine how the conversation changes when you say thanks. Meekly apologizing for the sake of protecting someone's feelings or sparing them inconvenience accomplishes nothing. Well, it robs you of any posture and potentially makes people distracted or uncomfortable when you have apologized for something that doesn't require an apology.

I am sorry for talking so much.

Immediate thoughts: Yah you are long-winded. You could have gotten to the point quicker and not wasted my time. I didn't feel you were talking that much. Wonder why you apologized. Awkward!

Thank you for listening to me

Immediate thoughts: You are welcome. It was my pleasure. Makes me feel good to help someone by listening. What are friends for?


This one is pretty simple and probably doesn't need much explanation. More of an exercise really. It will show you how often you apologize. It will help you be more thankful and positive in conversations while being gracious to others. What could it hurt?





Thoughts? Sorry eh?

Posted via Marlians.com

I'm sorry, but this makes a lot of sense! ;-)

I just had this conversation with my teenage son who says sorry all the time ... even for things that he has nothing to do with.... ex: I was so busy at the office I didn’t get to go to the bank.... he replies with : sorry .... wtf ..... stop being sorry ... especially for things out of your control .

Posted using Partiko iOS

Haha yah!

Considering someone else's feeling is definitely a good thing but flipping it to being thankful is a better conversation and good for your soul.

I wonder if this would be appropriate advice for canadian figureheads, too.

That is an interesting thought! What if we thanked people instead of being humble and obsequious? Thank you for that thought provoking suggestion!


I was going to say that this is a great spin, but that would be doing you an injustice. The shift in those words and attitude will make a difference to both parties in the communication - the sender and the receiver. Positivity and mutual respect.


Thank you.

Congratulations @zekepickleman! This post has been featured in today's Power House Creatives curation post!

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


I came across this a few years ago and have been trying to practice it ever since. Well, sometimes a person forgets to say Thank You and some Sorry comes out instead...But thank you for being patient with my habits, World.

True, Sorry should only be said when absolutely necessary, if have offended someone, hurt someone or at fault. This is one of the habits of the people here in our country. Saying thank you is a more positive approach. Thank you for sharing this thought with us.

While I agree with the sentiment, I can imagine that a person who's "always messing up," just might get some rather appropriate pushback when they say, for the 50th time during a single week, "Thank you for being patient when I make a mistake," lol.

Being thankful is more positive 😊😊 it also makes people feel more valued 😉👍

Posted using Partiko Android

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