SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

in Steem For Pakistan5 months ago (edited)

Now @zekanem having satisfied all the requirements of the constitution and having won the election by a landslide is hereby returned elected as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

SEC-S17 W2 What if you were the president of your country_20240415_095412_0000.png
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It is my pleasure to participate in this engagement challenge because it means so much to me. I have been complaining of so many things going wrong in my country and finally I get to write on what should be done or what I would do if I were the President.

Before I go into topic proper, let me give you an overview of my country so that you would be able to flow with me as we have people from all over the world on this platform.


Nigeria is located in West Africa. It is the country with the highest population in Africa with a population of over 213 million people Source. Nigeria is also ranked the seventh most populous country in the world. We gained independence from British colonial rule in October, 1960 and since then we have constantly struggled with various political, social, and economic challenges.

One of the significant challenges Nigeria faces is corruption, which degenerate various sectors of society, including government, business, and law enforcement. According to Transparency international my country is the 145th most corrupt country in the world out of 180 countries that were assessed. The index is gotten based on the corruption of its private sector.
Due to the widespread corruption in Nigeria, development efforts re undermined, public trust in government is eroded and inequality and marginalisation prevails.

Another major issue is insecurity, particularly from insurgent groups like Boko Haram in the northeast, IPOB in the South East and banditry in the northwest. These groups have continually carried out violence acts which is not limited to kidnappings, bombings, shootout and attack on civilians which has lead to many people being displaced from their homes, loss of lives and fear.

Ethnic and religious tensions also pose a critical challenge. If you go to twitter now there is an online rift between the Igbos and the Yorubas, in the North the Christians are not safe because of Islamic extremists.
The reason for this problems is because of the struggle for resources, historical grievances Liem the biafran war and political power.

Last but not the least, Nigeria grapples with poor infrastructure, most deplorable is unreliable power supply, poor road networks, and limited access to clean water and healthcare. As a result these infrastructural deficiencies hinders our economic growth as a nation and negatively impact the quality of life for many Nigerians.

If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?

My top three priorities as President of Nigeria will be:

  • Security
  • Human development
  • Agricultural development

Reasons is there is so much insecurity in the country, kidnappings, bombings, etc. Once there is insecurity in a country development will be stalled. Investors will not want to come and invest in your country.
To tackle this insecurity I will appoint credible service chiefs that will not be compromised in this fight.
I will train our security personnel and provide them with weapons that will make their work easier and safer.

Human development is another priority, imagine decorating a house and bringing a pig inside to live. What happens is that the pig will .was the whole house up. I will invest in educating the citizens why they should follow the constitution and be law abiding.
I will give them access to social amenities so that they won't be tempted to do evil.

Finlay agriculture, Nigeria is so dependent on oil which is our natural resource and this affects our economy since the global oil prices directly affects us.
But if we invest in agriculture we will be able to have food and eradicate hunger in the country. We will also be able to export this agro products and earn foreign exchange.

As president, what specific steps would you take to improve education and healthcare systems in your country?

The specific steps I would take as President to improve education in Nigeria is first of all to scrap the syllabus we are currently using. Our syllabus in the educational system is older than our country's independence.
You could imagine that computer science students can graduate from the University without knowing how to code or fix anything. They only know maths and statistics.

To address this I will set up a committee that will revamp our educational sector by

  • Changing our syllabus to meet international standards

  • Declaring free education from nursery to secondary school and making University tuition as affordable as possible.

  • In healthcare, I will do the one thing we lack in Nigeria and that is good healthcare equipment and facilities. More people have died from lack of equipment to manage their health issues than from lack of medical personnel.

  • I will also copy the West by signing a bill to bring in social security services where people will have access to free medical care from taxpayers money.

Signing bill into law

As a president, what challenges you could face in improving the overall condition of your country?

There will be many challenges no doubt, the first being corruption.
Many of the people who have been exploiting the country's resources as if it were their property would be a thorn in my flesh.

Insecurity will be another issue as I will face the terrorist organisation that will want to undermine my development in the country.

There will also be the issue of finances because Nigeria is owing alot of debts. I would not want to borrow again.

Would you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?

Of course I will, I will do what no one has the balls to do. I will make sure everyone both leaders and non leaders who have exploited the country corruptly will be arrested and brought to justice. They will face the full wrath of the Law, if I do not do this they will be the ones to fight my administration.

The next thing I will do is to unite the tribes that are at loggerheads in Nigeria. I will go through a the processes of mediation and bring about peaceful coexistence.

I will also promote religious tolerance and make sure no religion kills another because of differences in beliefs. We are first humans so if your God ask you to kill someone for Him then you should be ready to die for him because I will personally bring back the death penalty for such offense

SEC-S17 W2 What if you were the president of your country_20240415_095928_0000.png
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I will go around and monitor important projects that are being executed to make sure that the right work is being done. I will go there unannounced.


To summarise, if I were to be the President of my country I will do everything possible to make it better than it was.
Nigeria is my country and I do not have any other country to call home. Many people want to travel out and go to greener pastures, but I believe this country can be a green pasture were others come to eat and dwell.

I invite @bossj23, @goodybest and @rmm31 to participate in this engagement challenge.

"Achievement 1: Verification through introduction


 5 months ago 

I completely understand your concerns about the insecurity in the country. Kidnappings and bombings are indeed serious issues that hinder development and discourage investors. It's crucial to address this insecurity by appointing trustworthy service chiefs who won't be influenced in their fight against insecurity. Additionally, training our security personnel and equipping them with better weapons can make their work easier and safer.

I agree that human development is important too. It's like decorating a house but inviting a pig inside, which can cause chaos. Educating citizens on the importance of following the constitution and being law-abiding is essential. Providing access to social amenities can also help prevent people from resorting to evil actions.

Lastly, you're absolutely right about agriculture. Nigeria's heavy reliance on oil makes our economy vulnerable to global oil price fluctuations. By investing in agriculture, we can ensure food security, eradicate hunger, and even export agricultural products to earn foreign exchange. It's a smart move to diversify our economy.

Your insights on these issues are commendable, and I appreciate your thoughtful approach to tackling these challenges. Together, we can work towards a safer, more prosperous, and sustainable future for our country.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your comment

Thank you, friend!
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greetings @zekanem

As a president, I am very happy to know how much you want to improve your country and what you want to do for your country i.e. first of all you want to improve the security system. Establishing institutions for human welfare Agricultural development is a very important step for any country because the whole of the country depends on our agriculture. Yes, he will get out of the economic crisis.

If we follow and implement the measures like you have presented to us, I am sure that our country will one day be a part of the developed countries.

Regards by @mona01

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear @zekanem

Thanks a lot for sharing berif introduction of your country and I'm great to see your country have 213 million population.
I'm great to see you develop your agriculture system and your security system. For all these matters first of all we have a great knowledge about related field.

When we have a great knowledge about related field then we done a great development in our country.

I like the most if you are the president of your country. May Allah bless you in every field of life. Stay blessed

 5 months ago 

Thank you my friend, yes the first solution to a problem is to identify it. Only then can you solve it.

Thank you dear for describing the contest beautifully, it is quite challenging to lead the 7th largest crowd and also the level of corruption in your country is very high so it is very difficult to be the president at all.

 5 months ago 

Yes it is. You'd need to live here to understand

 5 months ago 

Nice one Mr president. I surely would vote for you. Nice one, education in Nigeria needs an overhaul review.

 5 months ago 

Yes my dear it would be great step in the right direction. Thanks for your feedback

 5 months ago 

In conclusion, as the leader of my country, I will prioritize justice by holding corrupt leaders and individuals accountable for their actions. By enforcing the law and promoting unity among different tribes and religions, I aim to foster a harmonious society where all citizens can coexist peacefully. Additionally, I will closely monitor important projects to ensure transparency and efficiency in government operations. Through these measures, I believe that I can lead my country towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

 5 months ago 

Hello bro, thank you for your take.

Such a great point', my friend. Corruption indeed poses a formidable challenge to Nigeria's development and societal well-being. Its pervasive nature undermines various sectors, including government, business, and law enforcement. Transparency International's ranking highlights the urgency of addressing this issue. Rampant corruption stifles development efforts, erodes public trust in government, and perpetuates inequality and marginalization. Tackling corruption requires concerted efforts from all sectors of society, including robust enforcement of anti-corruption laws, promoting transparency and accountability, and fostering a culture of integrity and ethical behavior.

 5 months ago 

I am glad you got so many points from my post. Than you

 5 months ago 

Hello dear! your detailed analysis of Nigeria's challenges and your proposed solutions demonstrate a deep understanding of your country's issues and a strong commitment to addressing them.Keep up the great work and continue contributing your valuable insights.

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your kind comments

 5 months ago 

Your most welcome dear 🥰

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