Confused by what's happened in the UK?

in #ukelection7 years ago


In the UK there are 650 seats to be won. Half of that is 325 - so one party needs more (326) to push their agenda through. A hung Parliament is where no one has that 325. They're all hanging lose!

The reason Theresa called the election is because she wanted to increase the number of people who'd vote with her. They only had 330. So that's just a leeway of 5 above 325. Sometimes people vote against their party. So having a wider margin means you can stream roll ideas into power. This morning we see she hasn't managed.

Neither party has 326. But they can marry other parties who promise to vote with them to get this 326. If neither party can twist other arms up their backs until the party loses their values and is bullied into agreement, then there has to be a whole new election.

The Libdems lost all their values last time when going into a Coalition with David Cameron - their only promise was scrapping student fees. When forming an coalition they dropped their main slogan and just pushed austerity. Now their campaign promise is REMAIN. Yet obviously the Tories are totally against that so again they'll be selling their soul to their devil and not honouring their promise to their voters. There is the Irish DUP who may be willing to form a coalition - it looks close and likely. (As I type - the Tories and DUI are 2 off the 325, and Labour, Lib Dem, Green and others are 4 off - just 6 seats remain!). If they all refuse to join together it will be a new election.

I hope for a new election. I hope they put Boris Johnson in - who's so off the wall that he won't get in... Then Corbyn has more time to penetrate past the billionaire held media with an army of supporters going door to door. Cantebury did this - they've been Tory over 100 years! I witnessed it on facebook - they were constant machines painting the town red.

I had said that Corbyn would win out right if we had one or two more weeks because people need to know him and see he listens and cares, and they'd vote for him. His majority INCREASED. He's won 9 times is Islington - they know him and value him. Each week he decreased the gap and this week was the first time he was a few points above May. Given another few weeks he could have aced it.

Corbyn has done AMAZINGLY - in 6 weeks he turned things around with few people knowing him. I am blown away by his staying power and strength. He's had ferocious attacks in print and TV and he's kept running a dignified and caring campaign. I hope for Prime Minister Corbyn.


Much appreciated the more detailed information @zariyakaialufu

Thanks Simonjay x

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