Home Made Silver Cleaner

in #homesteading6 years ago

I have some silver items that was stored for a long time already. These have been tarnished and since I prefer the "natural ways" as much as possible, I searched online for the natural silver cleaner or something that can be done at home.

I found out that baking soda, salt, aluminum foil and hot water are used to clean silver. So, last time, I tried using those at home.


I used a small glass jar since I will be cleaning small silver items. Then, I placed some aluminum foil. The inside part of the aluminum foil facing upward/outward. Then placed the silver items, poured hot water on it, added some salt then some amount of baking soda. I stirred it several times from time to time.

I think the amount of the ingredients vary on how many items you will be cleaning and the sizes. I just put the amount that I thought will be enough for all the items.


After more or less an hour, I checked the items and they were looking clean/whiter already such as the necklace and the cat pendant in the photo above. Then I just let the more tarnished items to stay on the solution longer so that it will be thoroughly cleaned. The amount of soaking time could also varies like how tarnished it is.

There are silver items that cannot be soaked with a solution like watches. In that case, I used toothpaste (the white one not the gel type) and it is really effective. It's just much manual labor compared to the soaking method.

You can also use the toothpaste on other items if you feel doing it and/or in a hurry cause it may cause you lesser time to clean your silver.

Photos were taken using my mobile phone.


Wow! I'm definitely gonna try this. Thanks for sharing.

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