More development after more time than I would like

in #gamedev7 years ago (edited)

So it has been longer than I wanted since I last posted on this stuff. Mostly it was because I got caught up on some things with trying to get some of the controls for the adventure game and then was rather busy the last two weeks.
So in the last two weeks I have gotten basic controls working, basic gravity work, a basic weapon system working and how damage should work and then a version (that I am not happy with) of a zoom and aim type of thing. The zoom I don’t like and doesn’t work exactly as I intended but I think I work on some other things first (melee attack, climbing, weapon progression, etc.).

Now just thinking of some talking points about what the weapon progression. I don’t think I am going to go anything like how LoZ: Breath of the Wild does its weapons. In my opinion, the weapon system that they chose was the worst possible one for the game that they decided to use for a game that is expansive as it was. I would take just about any other weapon system that promotes some kind of progression. Because of that, I think I am going to try to implement a kind of system similar to the Dark Cloud series system. For those unfamiliar, it is a system where weapon gain experience and can progressively enhanced to become strong and eventually evolve into a strong weapon. Its a pretty interesting system that I personally like a lot and would be pretty perfect for a game that would have the player be invested in the game for many hours.

So will be working on those features and maybe back to the aiming system for this week.

(Also I know that I got some of the Normals weird in the head. I am just being lazy to fix them.)

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