Are you know splinterlands supports upto nine wallets for deposit and withdrawal of funds

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago



If you are a new @splinterlands user and you are looking for how to deposit and withdraw funds from splinterlands I am going to share with you nine blockchain and cryptocurrency wallets which you can link with your splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds

Following are nine blockchain and cryptocurrency wallets which are supported by splinterlands


You can use you hive wallet for deposit and withdrawal of funds remember you can not change you hive wallet address and link another hive wallet with same splinterlands account because you hive blockchain username is used a your wallet address but you can transfer your funds to any other hive wallet if you have


You can link wax wallet with your splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds


You can also link your ethereum blochain wallet with your splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds

Binance smart chain

You can also use you binance smart chain bnb wallet with your splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds


Another is tron blochain wallet which you can link with your splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds


You can also use your eos wallet for in and out transfer of funds from your splinterlands account


Anyone can use there Bitcoin after linking it with there splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds

Bitcoin Cash

Splinterlands users can link there Bitcoin cash wallet with there splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds


Steem blockchain wallet also can be linked with splinterlands account for in and out transfer of funds

Remember all these wallets should not be exchange wallets you must own your wallet keys

Thanks for reading 🤝🏼 keep using hive blockchain and playing splinterlands


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63348.66
ETH 2668.99
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78