Thinking and entrepreneurship

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello dear friends!

I want to share about how important are our thoughts because they can lead us to success or failure in all aspects of life, based on the following story:

One day, a field worker while digging, discovered a chest full of gold coins, many coins, what he had found represented a fortune, as he could he took it home to hide it. After doing so, this man only spent time thinking about what he could do with the money, he imagined everything he could buy, however, he decided to leave it hidden there, without wasting it and thought that he would use it little by little to solve any problem or difficulty that might arise, finally this man felt secure in any difficult season and decided to continue working in the field.

But from that moment on he began to change, that treasure changed his character, he was cheerful, happy, it gave him security and he began to have enormous confidence and Faith, to see life in another way, he was another person and he began to be prosperous and he did not have to touch that money. Before he died he revealed the secret to his children, who went to look for the chest and found that it was empty. No one knew that the coins had been stolen long ago.

Now, what made this man change?
His thinking led him to become rich, not only economically but as a person, he thought he had wealth and awakened in him a new attitude towards life since he felt secure and confident. From there, the importance of the way we think and the way things will be, many of the failures are due to our thoughts.

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Now, if we adapt this to the moment of entrepreneurship, we must be clear that thoughts are a key factor to obtain good results. A person with a winning mentality will see opportunities where others may see obstacles, will always look for solutions, in addition to learning from mistakes, will be concerned about constant growth and that with his will, commitment, effort and dedication he will be able to develop skills that will allow him to improve in whatever he sets out to do.

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Otherwise, if you keep negative thoughts, attitude of poverty, of loser, you will be closer to failure. Perhaps at the first difficulty they will lose motivation. Some psychologists present as characteristics of a loser mentality, those people who have low self-esteem, who generate more problems than solutions and who maintain a negative view of others, of what surrounds them, perhaps because of fears, uncertainty and that can influence the people around them, which leads to the failure of any project.

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So if you decide to undertake work on what you are passionate about, so you will stay motivated. Stay optimistic, and expect to get results. Avoid surrounding yourself with pessimistic people who do not give constructive criticism, take only good advice. If there are changes to be made, work on it to improve, don't get discouraged.

I hope you find it useful, until a new opportunity, thanks for reading!


Wonderful story of self-improvement, and definitely as we feel so we will move forward or stop in what we undertake, but definitely the secret is to completely BELIEVE in ourselves.
thank you for sharing.

Hello @joseph1956!
That's right, everything is in our mind, everything we believe we can create in our life. Keeping positive thoughts will always make us better, grow and excel. Thanks for commenting, greetings!

Hi @yusvelasquez
I liked the story you shared to exemplify, and it is very tight to what you want to explain.
I agree, positive thoughts should not only be there when we are doing well, but even when hard times come, because it gives us a better attitude for everything, it's even even healthy.

Hi @josevas217!
Thank you for your comment, although sometimes it seems difficult to think positive we must do it, as you say for our own good, for our physical, mental and spiritual health. Here plays an important role the faith we have in ourselves and in God. Everything is in our mind, if we visualize it and believe it will be so. Greetings!

Hello friend @yusvelasquez, it is very true what you mention in your article, because everything we do in our business life goes hand in hand with our attitude and the success we have in our venture will always depend on the way we do things.

excellent content, success for you and your family

Hello @yongleantonio!
Thank you for your comment. Certainly everything is a matter of attitude, and we must keep the best attitude to everything, so we can make the best decisions. Success and blessings to you too.

Our thought has always been as powerful as any other major factors that my directly have serious effects on our business e.g Capital and Competitors. But the best part of it is that, we can always use it to our advantage. Thanks for sharing with us

That's right, our thoughts have power and we should use it for our good and not to hurt ourselves especially when we are in a difficult situation. Thanks for commenting!

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