Strengthening children's motivation

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Hello friends

Perhaps we have read in several publications, that motivation is one of the key factors that allow us to achieve success in different areas of life and meet the proposed objectives. Motivation is the engine that allows us to be in action constantly and seek every day to learn, work with encouragement and look for ways that lead us to achieve our goals.

Source: @yusvelasquez

That impulse must be in each one of us every day, from the moment we wake up until the end of the day, which will allow us to feel good and happy. However, many times external motivation is needed, for example by bosses in a work environment or by teachers in schools and parents.


At the educational level it is important both in the classroom and at home to reinforce motivation. That is why particularly in this post, I want to focus on the importance of motivating children.

Particularly a few days ago I had the opportunity to help my child with an oral presentation that was very important, as it had to be presented to all the children at school, it was there where I reflected on the importance of motivation to strengthen their confidence in their abilities and skills and that if prepared with dedication and perseverance it is possible to obtain good results.

It can be observed that children feel motivated when by themselves they seek to learn, do their homework and fulfill their duties, which translates into an improvement in academic performance, or on the contrary, low motivation, discouragement and disinterest in what they do can be observed, which can affect their emotional side, making it more difficult for them to take action and therefore slow actions.

With this return to on-site classes where after a long time they have to meet a schedule that involves getting up earlier, doing more activities, can be for them causes of discouragement and may not enjoy the new experiences, sharing with classmates and learning.

As parents, we must show interest in the children's homework, their achievements, their progress, transmitting confidence and supporting them. It is not to control their tasks, what they do, since that could generate more stress or worry in the child instead of encouraging them to obtain better results and they would be limited when sharing any doubt, it is essential to maintain good communication so that they find support when solving a problem and proper guidance.


It is necessary to work with clear goals and objectives so that children can identify what they want to achieve and thus focus on execution, thus facilitating the identification of their weaknesses and strengths.

You can choose to share activities such as reading, learning content through dynamics or games. Many times children may think that what they have studied in class has no importance, that is why as a tool you can use linking the content with its use in daily life and different applications, which will allow a better fixation of the content.

It is also important to support them in activities outside of school where they want to participate, to have their time to play and disconnect.


As we can see, parents play a fundamental role in motivating children. However, each person has his or her own inner motivation, so we must be attentive when they show disinterest and look for tools to help them. It is a very nice experience to share with children and help them to foster a positive attitude that allows them to face life better.

For the moment I say goodbye, thanks for reading!


Human ability is immeasurable, people can do marvelous things with the right motivation.

Hello @joelagbo!
That's right my friend, motivation has a great power in achieving goals and is what allows us to overcome barriers and obstacles.

It is necessary to work with clear goals and objectives so that children can identify what they want to achieve and thus focus on execution

This is very important because if the parent doesn't know what the goal is, and make the children understand it - then it may be hard to help children become better. Goal setting is always first. Nice publication.

Hello @greatideas!
Thank you for your comment. This point is very important, because in this way children learn to set clear goals that will allow them to find the way to achieve them and motivate them just imagining when they achieve them.

Parenting is a huge task, parents do a lot of work, and it takes extreme motivation to develop the brain and strength of a child. The strength of a growing child lies in the parent, and it is our ability as parents not to disappoint or fail them.

Hello @gbenga!
Certainly as you comment, parents have a great responsibility in the upbringing of children and that includes motivating them, giving them confidence and fostering it in them so that they can be people capable of achieving what they set out to achieve in their lives.

Children feel more confident when they know that parents and family always have their back with whatever they do. Getting kids engaged in activities that would boost their morale and confidence would make them become better constantly.

Hello @bimbo45!
Often part of the demotivation comes from childhood because parents do not encourage children or support them, as you say, this will contribute to seek to do things better every day and increase their confidence.

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