ERUPTION of YellowStone Volanco 2017?? is it true???

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

whats up everybody Cody here,So i have been seeing some things on the Yellowstone volcano erupting. Most of you may know but the last Eruption from Yellowstone was about 640,000 years ago. it caused the ground to collapse into the magma reservoir leaving a giant caldera.

The super-volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming has been rising at a record rate since 2004. Two-thirds of the U.S. could become uninhabitable as toxic air sweeps through it, grounding thousands of flights and forcing millions to leave their homes.Scientists monitoring it believe that a swelling magma reservoir six miles underground may be causing the recent uplifts.They have also been keeping an eye on a ‘pancake-shaped blob’ of molten rock the size of Los Angeles which was pressed into the volcano some time ago.


Now don't worry i am not saying that oh tomorrow the volcano is going to erupt or a there a certain date and time that anyone knows. What i am saying though is Typically, volcanoes give weeks to months of warning prior to their initial eruption. I am also not saying that it will erupt this year or next year but from what iv been reading it suppose to be happening way sooner than what the scientist expected. volcano-story-2.gif


I know many of you may be thinking "oh hes crazy this isn't going to happen" You might be right but lets keep this in the back of our mind and keep updated. Hope everyone has a great day and thank you for reading my post.


Thank you for following me back! Great job with this post!

hey man np thanking you for looking at and upvoting

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