
in #life6 years ago (edited)


My priest candidate,
Keep your loyalty there. Do not let anything make you forget, that there is a woman who is faithful to pray for you; even from a great distance. Then, walk your days well. Because the day we will always be together will come soon, soon (inshaAllah aamiin).
And when you face a gray day, remember me. I have asked God to open his umbrella over your city, so that you always feel shade.
For whatever you feel is so hard, please do not be easy to give up.

My priest candidate,
Keep your loyalty there. Do not let anything make you forget, that there is a woman who is faithful to pray for you; even from a great distance. Then, walk your days well. Because the day we will always be together will come soon, soon (inshaAllah aamiin).
And when you face a gray day, remember me. I have asked God to open his umbrella over your city, so that you always feel shade.
For whatever you feel is so hard, please do not be easy to give up.

Calon imamku,
Jagalah setiamu di sana. Jangan biarkan apapun membuatmu terlupa, bahwa ada seorang wanita yang setia mendoakanmu; walau dari jarak yang begitu jauh. Lalu, jalanilah hari-harimu dengan baik. Karena hari di mana kita akan selalu bersama akan datang nanti, tak lama lagi (insyaAllah aamiin).
Dan ketika kamu menghadapi hari yang kelabu, ingatlah aku. Telah kupinta pada Allah agar membuka payungnya di atas kotamu, agar kau senantiasa merasa teduh.
Atas apapun yang kamu rasa begitu susah, kumohon jangan mudah untuk menyerah.
#folow @yulissari

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