Six week health challenge week 2

I'm IN!!
Most especially, to improve my overall health: body, mind and soul
I'm in to have a healthier happier life
I'm in because I might stand a chance to be a lucky winner of 60 steem
Can't remember the last time I took a walk!
Phew! This took place in the grasslands of my college. Slow and steady.. Next time we would walk round the whole school!
The biggest push factor for my participation in this challenge was that I came down with acute gastroenteritis secondary to bad eating habits and lack of exercise. I would eat crap at night and lay on my bed, I lived a sedentary lifestyle indeed.

Paradoxically, Sometime last year, I was a fitness enthusiast! I loved to jog in the mornings, I looked younger, prettier, my skin was pretty awesome and I had the best grades ever. I never came down with any illness whatsoever even the slightest headache NO KIDDING! PicsArt_01-29-08.52.26.jpg
But since this year, I've had few bouts of malaria, my periods have been irregular, I've had plenty breakouts and acne, my skin is really awful, my bowel habits are terrible too!
But NO! Not anymore, I'm done with the unhealthy lifestyle, I choose fitness. I would keep up with this challenge till the very last day even with my very dying breath ☺☺
Slow and steady. PicsArt_01-29-09.01.44.jpg
Thanks to @healthsquared and @sweetsssj for this amazing challenge.

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