ProWriters Hub Week 7: Journey of a thousand miles begins with a step: A true life story

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

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“Ladies and Gentlemen, with a standing ovation, let’s congratulate the final award for 25 under 25 CEO… Favor Amadi.”
If someone had told her years ago that she would be the one accepting an award, she would have laughed at their faces.
She, just a little girl of 25 making waves in the cutthroat media industry.
5 years ago, it had been a dream come true when she started her agency as a solopreneur, now she had at least 10 people working directly under her.
Her best friend rushed to hug her exuberantly as she walked up to the stage to collect her award.
People shook her hands, tapped her, and hailed her.
‘Go girl, you did it someone beside her said.
Today, I dedicate this award to God for being a light and to my mum for being my strength and to every girl who has a dream, hold onto it, they can become reality.
People who knew her confirmed that her success was of one who determined to never give up.

As she went back to her seat, she went down memory lane to the success she has become now.

Favor’s mom came into Lagos in 2007 with nothing. With an assurance that they will get help from her uncle but unfortunately, they were disappointed, he had told them she could fend for them together with his family. That was not a piece of news they were expecting to hear at all.

That began their misery, in the day the two would hawk in the park and in the evening finds solace under the bridge or any empty building or closed shop.
Realizing that survival was slim in the city, her grandmother insisted they come back to the village. At least, they would have a place to sleep and food to eat every day.
Things became better in the village. She was able to resume her studies.

Seeing all that her mother went through, She sword within herself that she will do everything it takes to make something good out of life. She was determined to be successful in whatever she would do.

She believed she could achieve her desires, her only problem was how she would get started.
Her friend introduced her to the power of social media and how she could leverage it to build a brand.
With that knowledge, she started building a brand across social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, and LinkedIn
Through social media, she started promoting businesses, and brands and selling people products.
Through these services, she become known and started gaining visibility, and people started seeking her services to handle their businesses online.
When demands became much, she employed other people to help her run her media agency business.

And now, she is getting an award as an under-25 CEO.

If she had continued to make excuses, would she be getting an award?

If she had not made a move to take charge of her future, would she have been successful?

No! It only takes a determined move to make a beautiful journey.

#creativewriting #prowrit-w7 #steemexclusive #club75 #nigeria

 2 years ago 

I don't know if this story is real or imaginary whichever it is, girl you nailed it, wow👌👌

And now, she is getting an award as an under-25 CEO.

Well I can't help but say congratulations to our real or imaginary Favor Amadi for the well deserved award. She never allowed challenges or excuses to deter her from the target goal and she made it.

It only takes a determined move to make a beautiful journey.

Exactly, Determination, planning and focus are the keys to success. If you don't take a step today, you will still be at the same place tomorrow.

 2 years ago 

yeah favour is so so determine and that lead to her success in life indeed this story has taught us a lot and I have learnt so many things

 2 years ago 

Congratulations on her success, she nailed it real hard.I know people succeed through social media but don't know how. I need someone to show me the way so that one day I will be like Favor Amadi.

 2 years ago 

yeah that because she was so so so determine and hard-working with the mindset of making her mother proud and God have her success through mass media indeed favour indeed deserve that

 2 years ago 

And now, she is getting an award as an under-25 CEO.

Wow, she started off with just a single step and now she's gonna be a CEO at 25??
She deserves it, we shouldn't despise little beginnings because that's where our life's foundation is built

 2 years ago 

yeah she really deserve that because God love hardworking people who really want to make it favour become rich today it's because of her hardworking

 2 years ago 

That's true, we might face life's hurdles but we shouldn't let that be a setback, we should keep pressing forward

Good for someone to know where he is coming from. She knew her mother was suffering and she worked hard to help her . She ended up being the bread winner inabig way.Experience is the best teacher.challenges can bring out the best in a person.

 2 years ago 

yeah this story should teach all the youths to be hardworking and intelligent favour really had the mindset of making her mother proud that's why she made it and also she determine to make it in life

 2 years ago 

Journey without determination must end in frustration. Am glad That favor Amadi made it. It's a nice pattern for we young ladies. We need to rise up with a history to tell.

@yuceetoria, is this an imaginary story or true life story? Be specific

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 2 years ago 

yeah a journey without determination and hard-working is worthless and can not achieve nothing in life I love favour hardworking and indeed God helped her to achieve things in life

 2 years ago 

wow I really love this heart touching story indeed this precious girl called favour is so so so determine and hard-working that lead to her success

Seeing all that her mother went through, She sword within herself that she will do everything it takes to make something good out of life. She was determined to be successful in whatever she would do.

wow favour is such a girl with good mind and heart for making her mother proud this gril is really good and I love her character this story has each me a lot and I have learnt to be hard working

Yesooo to achieve a better goal you have determined because that is what matters in life and once you have it you will arrived at your destinations.

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