Promo-Steem Campaign | T-shirt Procurement for Steem Promotions - 2nd Edition by The Youth Steem team [Bilingual]

10% Payout to
for support PromoSteem community



Dear Steemian, Allow us to promote again and allow us unlimited creativity. At a glance, we will tell you about the flashback when we first got Sponsorship for the first #Promo-Steem Shirt from SK Promotions. On this occasion the team "The Youth Steem" has sent a proposal through @bangmimi as a team leader. We managed to get the trust in the form of Sponsorship given by Mr. @stephenkendal in the #onehundredsteem Contest which was held 5 months ago.

We have included the Vision and Mission of the "The Youth Steem" team in the proposal in general. We have a clear goal of making the first 10 #Promo-Steem t-shirts, where our goal is to participate in #Promo-Steem, promoting #Steem and #Steem to the people and youth of Indonesia. So the work continues until now, we have been working well for 5 months. That's from the beginning of June to October this year, we have just been active again and we will support the implementation of #Promo-Steem activities in Indonesia.


We have distributed 10 #Promo-Steem t-shirts bearing the "The Youth Steem Community" logo to 4 team administrators. And then the remaining 6 #Promo-Steem t-shirts were given to "The Youth Steem" team sympathizers, they are active users and newcomers who make the "The Youth Steem" team as partners. We have been trusted to be partners in Mentorship and #Learnwithsteem with several users Steemit is active in Indonesia. Therefore, we are only able to do the best according to our abilities, we continue to contribute and cooperate in supporting the development of the Steemit community.

So for that, we are very grateful to all active Steemit users and also to all parties who have supported our actions in Indonesia. We hope that the popularity of Steemit users in Indonesia will increase, grow and can work together on various lines. We will always be ready to participate and support the implementation of #Promo-Steem activities in Indonesia, such as Workshops, Meet Ups, Gatherings, Socialization about Steemit and other activities. We are also developing programs and various new breakthroughs to support the growth of STEEM values, then we invite community leaders and youth to care about the development of technology and information.


We have been working for 5 full months, We have been doing #Promo-Steem activities everywhere and we are doing this voluntarily. We are happy to do this work, very proud to be part of the Steemit community and continue to contribute to supporting the #Promo-Steem promoters. For us Steemit has become a very useful medium, an educational medium and appreciates a variety of original content. So, We will all learn to do our best, spread kindness, spread useful information and invest in the future. Steem On!

We really appreciate the work and enthusiasm of the "The Youth Steem" team managers and well-wishers who continue to support our work. So far we have taken concrete actions to reach active users and invite Indonesian people and youth to join Steemit. As a team of "The Youth Steem" we have promoted #Steem and #Steemit in general to community leaders and specifically to young people in Indonesia. So naturally we made a surprise and gave an award to the management of the "The Youth Steem" team who had worked hard all this time. We have planned to reprint the second edition of the official #Promo-Steem t-shirt to promote, this is a simple tribute to the members of the management team of "The Youth Steem Community".


Promo-Steem Campaign

We will make the second edition of the #Promo-Steem T-shirt presented by the "The Youth Steem" team, in order to continue the action in introducing #Steem and #Steemit in Indonesia. We are grateful to several parties who have supported us so far, to those who support our popularity and also our performance in doing #Promo-Steem. We continue to make efforts to make new breakthroughs, we are making the public in Indonesia know Steemit more specifically. So with the presence of this second edition of the #Promo-Steem t-shirt, we will appear with a new spirit in promoting and contributing to the Steemit community.

Campaign Target Audience

So far, we have continued to take concrete actions to support the implementation of workshops, Meet Ups and #Promo-Steem activities in Indonesia. In this case we have a goal to create a custom "#Promo-Steem Activity" routine and make team members more confident in promoting. Then we also care to inspire active users to be more creative in creating content on Steemit. So we will invite them to be more active and consistent, then invite active users to introduce Steemit media to their closest people such as relatives, colleagues and family. After everyone joins we are ready to support and become partners for them for Mentorship and Steemit education. Besides that, we are also targeting to promote STEEM, Steemit and the "The Youth Steem" team in Workshop, Gathering, and #Promo-Steem activities in Indonesia.


Steem Promotion T-shirts
Printing planning - 2nd edition

We will print this second edition of the #Promo-Steem t-shirt especially for the members of the "The Youth Steem" team who have worked hard all this time. An appreciation that deserves an award in promoting and introducing #Steem and #Steemit to the public in Indonesia. Then we also really care about some of the active users who have supported the "The Youth Steem" team all this time. At the first #Promo-Steem T-shirt printing, many active users asked to collect #Promo-Steem t-shirts presented by the "The Youth Steem Community" team. However, the stock is very limited because we only print 10 t-shirts and we have also made a list of recipients of the #Promo-Steem t-shirts before the printing stage.

So on this occasion, if we get another sponsorship, we will try to print more #Promo-Steem t-shirts this second edition. However, if in the near future we do not get sponsorship support, we have to choose some of the active users who have become partners in supporting the performance of the "The Youth Steem" team. We are very proud that They have worked together, are more active and consistent in the Steemit community. The well-wishers of "The Youth Steem" have also helped us a lot in recruiting newcomers. Their support is what makes us continue to work well in helping #Promo-Steem promoters, then reaching more community leaders and Indonesian youth who join Steemit.

Join Steemit - STEEM ON!

As STEEM and Blockchain develop, the popularity of Steemit users is increasing in the world. In fact, the country of Indonesia is also increasing the popularity of active users who contribute to this Steemit platform. We care about the influence, development and progress of Steemit in Indonesia. So, "The Youth Steem" team aims to support in introducing #Steem and #Steemit to the Indonesian people in general and in particular to Indonesian Youth. We want to support and inspire community leaders and youth to immediately join and publish original content on Steemit media. Join Steemit, let's fly good with STEEM and invest for a better future. STEEM ON!

Follow Us

Support #Promo-Steem
We're ready to be promotors


PromoSteem Community

Cc: @steemcurator01

Thanks to : PromoSteem Team
@arie.steem, @ponpase, @pojan

Special thanks to:
@steemcurator01 @steemitblog
@stephenkendal @steemchiller
@pennsif @xeldal @dobartim

10% Pembayaran ke
untuk dukungan komunitas PromoSteem



Dear Steemian, Izinkan kami untuk berpromosi kembali dan Izinkan kami berkreativitas tanpa batas. Sekilas kami akan menceritakan tentang kilas balik saat awal kami mendapatkan Sponsorship untuk Kaos #Promo-Steem perdana dari SK Promotions. Pada kesempatan tim "The Youth Steem" telah mengirimkan proposal melalui @bangmimi sebagai Leader tim. Kami berhasil mendapatkan kepercayaan berupa Sponsorship yang diberikan oleh pak @stephenkendal dalam Kontes #onehundredsteem yang diselenggarakan 5 bulan yang lalu.

Kami telah mencantumkan Visi dan Misi tim "The Youth Steem" dalam proposal itusecara umum. Kami memiliki tujuan yang jelas untuk membuat 10 kaos #Promo-Steem perdana, dimana tujuan kami ialah ikut melakukan #Promo-Steem, mempromosikan #Steem dan #Steemit kepada masyarakat dan pemuda Indonesia. Maka pekerjaan itu terus berlanjut samapai saat ini, kami telah bekerja dengan baik selama 5 bulan. Itu terhitung semenjak awal bulan Juni hingga bulan Oktober tahun ini, kami baru saja aktif kembali dan kami akan mendukung terselenggaranya kegiatan #Promo-Steem di Indonesia.


Kami telah mendistribusikan 10 kaos #Promo-Steem berlogo "The Youth Steem Community" tersebut kepada 4 pengurus Tim. Dan kemudian sisanya 6 kaos #Promo-Steem tersebut dihadiahkan kepada Simpatisan tim "The Youth Steem, mereka adalah pengguna aktif dan pendatang baru yang menjadikan tim "The Youth Steem" sebagai mitra. Kami telah dipercaya menjadi mitra dalam Mentorship dan #Learnwithsteem dengan beberapa pengguna Steemit aktif di Indonesia. Maka oleh sebab itu, kami hanya mampu melakukan yang terbaik sesuai dengan kemampuan yang kami miliki, kami terus berkontribusi dan bekerjasama dalam mendukung berkembangnya komunitas Steemit.

Maka untuk itu, Kami sangat berterimakasih kepada seluruh kalangan pengguna Steemit aktif dan juga kepada seluruh pihak yang telah mendukung aksi kami di Indonesia. Harapan kami semoga popularitas pengguna Steemit di Indonesia semakin meningkat, semakin berkembang dan bisa bekerjasama di berbagai lini. Kami akan selalu siap berpartisipasi dan mendukung terselenggaranya kegiatan #Promo-Steem di Indonesia, seperti Workshop, Meet Up, Gathering, Sosialisasi tentang Steemit dan kegiatan lainnya. Kami juga sedang mengembangkan program dan berbagai terobosan baru untuk mendukung pertumbuhan nilai STEEM, kemudian kami mengajak tokoh masyarakat dan pemuda agar peduli terhadap perkembangan teknologi dan informasi.


Sudah 5 bulan penuh kami bekerja, Kami telah melakukan aktivitas #Promo-Steem dimana-mana dan ini kami lakukan secara sukarela. Kami senang melakukan pekerjaan ini, sangat bangga telah menjadi bagian dari komunitas Steemit dan terus berkontribusi mendukung para promotor #Promo-Steem. Bagi kami Steemit sudah menjadi media yang sangat bermanfaat, media yang edukatif dan menghargai berbagai konten orisinal. Jadi, Kita semuanya akan belajar melakukan yang terbaik, menebarkan kebaikan, menyebarkan informasi bermanfaat dan berinvestasi untuk masa depan. Steem On!

Kami sangat menghargai pekerjaan dan antusias para pengurus tim "The Youth Steem" dan juga simpatisan yang terus mendukung pekerjaan kami. Sejauh ini kami telah melakukan aksi nyata dalam menjangkau pengguna aktif dan mengajak masyarakat dan pemuda Indonesia bergabung ke Steemit. Sebagai tim "The Youth Steem" kami telah mempromosikan #Steem dan #Steemit secara umum kepada tokoh masyarakat dan secara khusus kepada para pemuda di Indonesia. Maka sudah sewajarnya kami membuat kejutan dan memberikan suatu penghargaan kepada pengurus tim "The Youth Steem" yang telah bekerja keras selama ini. Kami telah merencanakan untuk mencetak kembali kaos #Promo-Steem resmi edisi kedua untuk dipromosikan, ini merupakan penghargaan sederhana kepada anggota tim pengurus "The Youth Steem Community".


Kampanye Promo-Steem

Kami akan membuatkan Kaos #Promo-Steem edisi kedua dipersembahkan oleh tim "The Youth Steem", guna untuk melanjutkan aksi dalam memperkenalkan #Steem dan #Steemit di Indonesia. Kami berterima kasih untuk beberapa pihak yang telah mendukung kami selama ini, bagi mereka yang mendukung popularitas dan juga kinerja kami dalam melakukan #Promo-Steem. Kami terus melakukan upaya agar bisa membuat terobosan baru, kami sedang membuat publik di Indonesia mengenal Steemit secara lebih spesifik. Maka dengan hadirnya kaos #Promo-Steem edisi kedua ini, kami akan tampil dengan semangat baru dalam berpromosi dan berkontribusi di komunitas Steemit.

Target audiens Kampanye

Selama ini kami terus melakukan aksi nyata dalam mendukung terselenggaranya kegiatan workshop, Meet Up dan #Promo-Steem di Indonesia. Dalam hal ini kami memiliki tujuan untuk membuat suatu rutinitas "#Promo-Steem Activity" khusus dan membuat anggota tim lebih percaya diri dalam berpromosi. Kemudian kami juga peduli untuk membangkitkan semangat pengguna aktif lebih kreatif dalam membuat konten di Steemit. Maka kami akan mengajak mereka untuk lebih aktif dan konsisten, kemudian mengajak pengguna aktif untuk memperkenalkan media Steemit kepada orang-orang terdekat mereka seperti kerabat, rekan kerja dan keluarga. Setelah semuanya bergabung kami siap mendukung dan menjadi mitra bagi mereka untuk Mentorship dan edukasi Steemit. Disamping itu, kami juga menargetkan untuk mempromosikan STEEM, Steemit dan tim "The Youth Steem" dalam kegiatan Workshop, Gathering, dan #Promo-Steem di Indonesia.


Kaos Promo Steem
Perencanaan pencetakan - Edisi ke-2

Kami akan mencetak kaos #Promo-Steem edisi kedua ini khusus kepada anggota pengurus tim"The Youth Steem" yang telah bekerja keras selama ini. Sebuah apresiasi yang patut diberikan penghargaan dalam melakukan promosi dan memperkenalkan #Steem dan #Steemit kepada publik di Indonesia. Kemudian kami juga sangat peduli terhadap beberapa pengguna aktif yang telah mendukung tim "The Youth Steem" selama ini. Pada percetakan Kaos #Promo-Steem perdana, banyak pengguna aktif yang meminta untuk mengoleksi kaos #Promo-Steem yang dipersembahkan oleh tim "The Youth Steem Community". Namun stoknya sangat terbatas karena kami hanya mencetak 10 kaos dan kami juga sudah membuat list penerima kaos #Promo-Steem tersebut sebelum tahap percetakan.

Maka pada kesempatan ini, Jika kami mendapatkan Sponsorship lagi, maka Kami akan berupaya mencetak lebih banyak kaos #Promo-Steem edisi kedua ini. Namun jika dalam waktu dekat ini kami tidak mendapatkan dukungan Sponsorship, kami harus memilih beberapa diantara pengguna aktif yang telah menjadi mitra dalam mendukung kinerja tim "The Youth Steem". Kami sangat bangga karena Mereka telah bekerja sama, lebih aktif dan konsisten di komunitas Steemit. Para simpatisan "The Youth Steem" juga telah banyak membantu kami dalam merekrut pendatang baru. Dukungan merekalah yang semakin membuat kami terus bekerja dengan baik dalam membantu promotor #Promo-Steem, kemudian menjangkau lebih banyak tokoh masyarakat dan pemuda Indonesia yang bergabung ke Steemit.

Bergabung ke Steemit - STEEM ON!

Seiring berkembangnya STEEM dan Blockchain, popularitas pengguna Steemit semakin meningkat di dunia. Bahkan, negara Indonesia juga terhitung semakin meningkat popularitas pengguna aktif yang berkontribusi di platform Steemit ini, Kami ikut peduli dengan pengaruh, perkembangan dan kemajuan Steemit di Indonesia. Jadi, tim "The Youth Steem" bertujuan untuk mendukung dalam memperkenalkan #Steem dan #Steemit kepada masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan khususnya kepada Pemuda Indonesia. Kami ingin mendukung dan menginspirasi tokoh masyarakat dan pemuda untuk segera bergabung dan mempublikasikan konten orisinal di media Steemit. Bergabunglah ke Steemit, mari menerbangkan kebaikan dengan STEEM dan berinvestasi untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. STEEM ON!

Ikuti kami

Dukung #Promo-Steem
Kami siap menjadi Promotor


Komunitas PromoSteem

Cc: @steemcurator01

Terima kasih kepada Tim PromoSteem
@arie.steem, @ponpase, @pojan

Terima kasih khusus kepada:
@steemcurator01 @steemitblog
@stephenkendal @steemchiller
@pennsif @xeldal @dobartim

 3 years ago 

The T-Shirts look awesome.!!

If I gave you 100 #Steem how many T-Shirts would you be able to buy?


Ok sir @stephenkendal

We have a plan to print 10 to 12 Promo-Steem t-shirts, for one printing it will be counted as 1 dozen with a total of 12 t-shirts.

I think 100 Steem is enough for 10 shirts, with a price calculation of 100 K (IDR) per one t-shirt, then the rest we will collect is borne by the team so that 1 dozen shirts can be printed with a total of 12 shirts to be promoted.

If you support us with 100 Steem for #Onehunderedsteem Sponsorship then we will use the remaining cash to support and attend Workshop, Gathering and Promo-Steem events in Indonesia.

 3 years ago 

I have made you an Offer for the 100 #Steem Sponsorship with a few changes to the design.

Here is the offer...

RESTEEM steemit blog.png

If the Sponsorship Offer is of interest to you and you would like to proceed with the Offer, I will transfer the 100 #Steem over to your account and make a formal announcement of the Sponsorship.


Yes, thank you for appreciating the work we do for the progress of Steemian in Indonesia.

This campaign event is an initiative of our team members, @abelanar11 and @teukumuhas.

then we have asked for approval from @bangmimi as a leader and @muhajir169 as promotors. This will soon be realized to make it attract public attention in Indonesia.

Thank you for giving us the trust to be partners in promoting #Steem and #Steemit in Indonesia. STEEM On!

 3 years ago 

Ok, let me have a think about it and I will let you know later what I have decided.


oke thanks sir, we wish the best. Steem On!

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the quick response sir, we are very happy with the work sir.

We continue to maximize our performance in promoting #Steem and #Steemit in Indonesia. We are very grateful to the team who have worked to support the Vision and Mission of The Youth Steem Community.


we continue to promote around the city where we live in Indonesia, we continue to reach out to community leaders and Indonesian youth. Then we will always attend Steem and Steemit promotional activities in Indonesia, such as workshops, Steemian gatherings and Meet Ups for #Promo-Steem.

The team has supported and worked together all this time, so far we're supported the popularity of active Steemit users in Indonesia. Steem On!

cc: @teukumuhas @abelanar11 @muhajir169

 3 years ago 

Mantap kerja bagus.
Semoga 6 baju yang tersisa itu salah satu nya di berikan untuk saya 😅😅

okay broy, support us and we learn together

 3 years ago 

it is very useful if this sponsor can be given to the team, because it can help to develop #steem in the future.

yes , thanks my team
we win together with STEEM.

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