B&W Photo Contest ~ New Theme Announcement ~ Minimalism - Entry 2


Camera(Nikon P900)
Location(Corolla, NC)

~ Minimalism ~

Definition: Photography using a minimal amount of components such as shapes, lines, and textures. Less is more!

This contest provided by @daveks


I always enjoy your photography@youhavewings, good luck in this contest. Great photo!

Thank you, @jbreheny

It all has a story......

Cool dandelion puff view.

Thank you, @bashadow Minimalism is new to me. New way to see.

This is lovely! I really like the artsy composition of this shot! Bravo!
It was lovely having you with us in PYPT today! Thanks for joining us! 😊

Thank you, @thekittygirl

I really enjoyed spending time with you all.....and your laugh - is simply the best! :)

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