The Dirty Energy Barons of Planet Earth

in #environment8 years ago

IV:15 Humankind must stop profiting from non-renewable energy products that poison the human habitat.

Given what humankind now knows about the destruction that the burning of fossil fuels causes to its own living environment, the dirty energy barons attempting to manipulate society into believing otherwise essentially makes them the heads of organized crime enterprises. To claim that fossil fuels do not affect climate change and human health is akin to how tobacco companies used to claim that smoking cigarettes benefits human health.

The corrupted politicians who accept campaign contributions from the dirty fuel syndicates in exchange for loose environmental regulations are accomplices to this crime. While this activity is just another example of how humankind prioritizes money above all else, it is still quite disconcerting and ultimately shocking as to how vociferously the constituents of these corrupted politicians support companies that are poisoning them.

Given that humankind already possesses the raw technical knowledge to develop simple machinery that can efficiently harness the clean, free, and limitless energy available everywhere on Earth, its continuing struggle to accomplish this seems a bit dodgy. It is not a stretch to believe that the dirty barons are using their vast financial resources and political influence to thwart these efforts in order to protect their profits. The large dirty energy companies have also added top scientists in the field of clean energy development to their payrolls, which leads to the cynically plausible theory that they are attempting to keep this technology at bay until the fossil fuels run out and then profit from clean energy technology at a later time. From a pure business standpoint this strategy is clever, but it is highly immoral considering the damage that fossil fuels are presently causing human health and the human habitat.

 Regardless, the very notion that energy production is one of the pillars or even a significant portion of an economy is ludicrous. Given the amount of limitless clean energy available both locally on Earth and in Universe, paying for fuel that produces energy is as comical as paying for oxygen or sunlight. "Fuel" is not necessary to produce energy, as energy is omniscient on Earth and in Universe. Utilizing this energy should cost nothing beyond the minimal cost of purchasing and maintaining simple energy harnessing and transference devices that can provide electricity for their homes and power for their vehicles. It is appalling that human individuals often freeze to death in their homes during winter months because they cannot afford expensive oil to heat them, and it is equally appalling that humankind has to breathe the toxic air that the burning of this oil ultimately causes.

While the dirty barons will continue to pollute Earth's atmosphere, spill oil in Earth's oceans, and gouge a human society already struggling financially (much thanks to the barons and their wealthy associates), they have left the door ajar for any enterprising individual or company to eventually break through with the technology that will extinguish the demand for fossil fuels. Unfortunately for humankind, the dirty ones recognize the threat this poses to their wealth and will use their extensive financial resources and political backing to sabotage any serious clean energy progress they get wind of, or simply buy the technology themselves and lure the scientists to their organizations with high salaries and stock options.

Regardless of their efforts, it is only a matter of time before humankind will be enjoying the free energy production that will render fossil fuels obsolete. No longer will the dirty barons have the influence to use treachery to turn a profit, and history will expose them for the murderous caitiffs they are. Even the politicians they once owned will drop them without a second thought in favor of the next name on the list who can finance their political campaigns, a name that may belong to the very entrepreneur that brought the affordable energy harnessing and transference device to market.


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