Deadly twin Suicide Bomb attacks in Kampala(Uganda) - 6 confirmed deaths and 33 severely injured

in Team Uganda3 years ago (edited)

Uganda faced another deadly terrorist attack when 3 suicide bombers detonated bombs in the public places of kampala. The evidence captured on the CCTV cameras show that one suicide bomber detonated a bomb around the Central police station killing himself, a few other police officers and left many injured that were with in the 30 meters distance of the bomb blasts.

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The other Bomb blast happened on the streets of parliamentary avenue close to jubilee insurance building. According to the police briefing and the evidence recorded on the CCTV cameras; 2 suicide bombers were seen on boda-bodas. Upon reaching a particular point near Jubilee Insurance, detonated the bombs 💥 that killed them on spot and other few people that were close to them.

The 2 bomb blasts happened concurrently in a space of 3 minutes and all at around 10am.

The fires 🔥 from the bomb blasts set several nearby cars ablaze. Some volunteers were seen holding fire extinguishers🧯 trying to put off the fires. Other volunteers helped in carrying the injured ones to the hospital. Many registered severe injuries and were taken to the nearby hospitals for treatment.


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According to the currently released information by the police, 6 are confirmed dead including the suicide bombers and a total of 33 severely injured persons in the current twin bomb blasts that happened yesterday in Kampala.

What's happening to my country? 🤔 Last month on October 23rd, Uganda also had a bomb attack in "komamboga" the suburb of kampala. One person was killed and seven others were severely injured. 2days later one person was killed in a suicide bombing that happened in a bus and 2 children were also killed when they were playing with an unknown fruit-shaped bomb.

According to the police spokes person Fred Enang, a domestic millitant group that is allied to ADF rebels working under the islamic terrorist group "ISIS" claimed responsibility for these twin bomb blasts that have currently hit kampala.

The good news is that police managed to identify one suicide bomber, injured him and terminated the would be forth bomb blast attack in the country.

With the rising tension happening in the country, I call upon my fellow Ugandans to be vigilante in such a tough time. Everyone should limit their movements. If possible stay at home, until the situation calms down.

For more information. Check out the following news articles;

Uganda’s capital Kampala hit by deadly suicide bombings

BOMB EXPLOSIONS: Six dead, 33 injured and 1 bomb recovered

 3 years ago 

This is real so sad to hear.
We keep praying for our country.

 3 years ago 

Indeed! We have to pray for our country.

This is so terrible😪😪 May God have mercy on us. Stay safe

 3 years ago 

Its worse for those that lost their lives in such a tragedy. We indeed need God's protection over our nation.

That's very true

This is so heart breaking.

Please do stay safe

 3 years ago 

True 💔 . Many Ugandans are heart broken because of such a sudden tragedy.
I am limiting my movements until the situation calms down.

Sure please do

Really this was a miserable moment I was shocked

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