Contest: A dream gift for my mom./♥️🎁♥️/by. @yogagayo

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago (edited)

Hi dear Steemians!!


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Mother's Day 2011. I had the best Mother's Day EVER in 2011. It was a very special day because, apart from the usual and beautiful gifts my family + friends bought for me with my needs and tastes in mind, they all spent the whole day with me. I'm a mother of two kids in my twenties (and I'm their 'Mother' friend who is needy and responds to 'Momming' too, and accommodates one of them, and feeds them all when I manage to cook homemade food or bake banana bread, so that's usually at least three twenties in my house, with other people visiting every day).
We took a walk, mingled with the crowds at the outdoor mall of Bandung Indah Plaza, and had a great day. In the evening we went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant. Even what we did wasn't that special. It's a fact that everyone consciously thinks of their mother (me!) With love - and shows it. I generally don't like the commercialism of Hallmark Holidays. But this Mother's Day is very different.
They show their love by doing many small things in unexpected ways. For example, I put a glass of water on the table, moved to the sofa, and forgot to drink water. Before I could wake up, one of them had conveyed it to me (nice attitude, thoughtfulness, and thoughtfulness, right ?!).
Another example: I can't walk as much as I am often in pain from disabilities - and they help me get a seat. They help each other and help me all day long. They work together in harmony. They are charming, fun, intelligent and kind. The dishwasher emptied it without me saying anything. I feel very fortunate that they are in my life, and I am grateful to be alive to appreciate them, even now. People say they love babies but I have to say that every minute with every member of my family is a moment that I really cherish. Now I love each other more than when they were babies. We all have dreaded medical bouts into our lives, and as a result cherish every happy moment. We have a basis for comparison. This Mother's Day, we are all healthy.
This Mother's Day gift is amazing because it is exactly what I don't have and they see a need and try to fulfill it - which is so caring and caring that it brings tears to my eyes: a wallet that looks exactly the same as the sports suitcase I carry around. mana, but prettier so I can wear it with professional type clothes (it's my job ...); nightgown because my favorite is getting old; and the MacBook Air because my only computer was a jerry-equipped desktop, outdated and slower-than-cold-molasses from the early 1990s, and I couldn't carry a heavier laptop to meet parents because of weight considerations. The laptop has been configured, ordered, and selected by one of my kids, but both can do it. They'll also teach me to use it, because I haven't used a Mac since SE, when they were babies.
So the best thing to do for a Mother's Day gift is to pay lots of attention to your mother, appreciate her, and find out by listening to what she needs. Try and give as much as you can comfortably.
I know I gave my family the best that is within me to give when we were all young. It is such a relief to know that now, when I can no longer care for them, they are thinking of and creating new ways to help me in my life. You cannot imagine how grateful I am for their hearts, and their problem-solving skills.
They also made Mother's Day cards themselves and told me they love me because I have so much grace.
It wins the deal, whether it's always true - or not (but I hope it does!).
Mother's Day 2012. The week before Mother's Day, my family surprised me with an unexpected visit from someone, who flew from another part on a friend's plane, spent a whole day including a nice lunch - and we spent the evening resting about my little family talking. until the wee hours of the morning on Life; and then the next afternoon I saw a plane land with two friends who were already inside. They landed to pick up my family members, then flew back home and worked elsewhere.
The door closed, the engine started. I watched as the plane and the roar of its engine turned into tiny, silent dots, quickly disappearing into the low cloud pile. I'm standing on the tarmack, waving and looking at this 4 seater airplane that looks like a toy. It vanished into thin air!
Upon arrival and subsequent phone calls reassuring me of the safe landing, I felt much better. I am the mother, I once asked if the plane has a buoy and parachute (answer: no).
A week later (today) is a smaller and more comfortable Mother's Day - to the flea market, which is fun and unexpected. I love spending time with children who are now grown up. Family ... warm my heart. I am happy this Mother's Day is not about many things, but about my love yola.
Mother's Day 2013. This is my first Mother's Day as a mother with adult children living in another city. Don't live with me now! - and the thought that I would celebrate Mother's Day without hugging my children is not a thought I want to cheer up.
I went to Ciwiday Bandung (2 hours away by car) for a nice lunch at Pavilium Resto And Cafe. First, I took down a few boxes in the new apartment that I hadn't seen yet. It's beautiful, well designed, there are jasmine vines hovering over the stairs, and I'm glad my son is healthy, happy and safe.
Our lunch outside, on a beautiful old tile terrace with a fountain and roses and the tastiest treats imaginable, left me speechless. I watched with joy when I saw that my youngest child was happy and healthy. I was filled with joy, gratitude, and love.
We had so much fun. Gift? Yes! Socks and tablecloths are symbols of yoga and cooking, two favorite activities. My baby knows me! We hugged and I'm not too sad: we're planning to meet again next weekend, for a belated celebration (Mother's Day lasts a week and I'm really excited about that !!). The traffic back home wasn't bad at all, and the moment my head hit my pillow, I smiled. Still. Thank you to all of you! Love.
Mother's Day 2014. I want my grown children, who live far away, to save for the things they want, for themselves. I don't need or want anything, I hate seeing cut flowers die, and all I want for Mother's Day this year is a phone call or FaceTime with each one. The future is my focus, and I want them to save, or invest their savings (even a little that might be spent on Mother's Day). Or, I want them to find a charity they believe in, and donate whatever amount they would spend on my gift, there.
Mother's Day 2021. Well, it has been seven crazy years culminating in the Great Isolation / Sheltering In Place March 2020-present (17 May 2021) due to the global corona virus pandemic. I haven't changed much, but now I have four children because both of my children are either married or are getting married and live in different states. I love all four of them more than words can say.
Someone owns a startup and sells it to Apple. One of them is an ophthalmologist. Two are investment consultants and commercial + residential real estate brokerage. All are successful, independent, kind, and relate via text every day. We all enjoy each other's company.
- And all of us have now been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus! It is the best Mother's Day gift I can have. O, relieved !!!
But - Mother's Day didn't go according to plan. I thought two people would come to visit, but a medical emergency prevented the visit. So, I'm going to virtually enjoy Mother's Day, using FaceTime, again.
Today is Monday, I'll edit and add this if something unexpected develops on Mother's Day. I look forward to a better and brighter future for all my children, and for you, dear Readers.

And certainly not forgetting, I also wrote a poem for mothers around the world.......

Moms are Special People
To care in every way,
To laugh with and to share with
At any time of day.

Moms are Special People
Ordained by God above
To bring her children up
And always show them love.

Moms are Special People,
Who turn the rain to sun,
Who laugh a lot and sing along
And seem to have such fun.

But you, Mom, are the best one:
You’re great in every way.
And this I’d like to tell you:
Have a happy Mother’s Day!

My poetry improved over the years, but most good moms really appreciate something personal and from the heart.

Regards @yogagayo

 3 years ago 

I like every good word you write for mom, indeed our mother is a savior angel whether we are in joy or in sorrow, mothers are our soul mates

 3 years ago 


Everything that is desired from the heart can be achieved with hard work and dedication.
Thank you for participating in this contest, 🎁 You have entry #63

Thanks my friend@anasuleidy

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