in #steemchurch6 years ago

Text :Isaiah 46: 10a

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.
(New International Version)

Today we are riddled with principles about almost any subject you can imagine under the sun. I am a big fan of godly principles but there is a principal who works out the principles. When we have been through really tough situations we kind of take it for granted that we have all the wisdom and experience we need for all future eventualities. I want to shock you; if you want to fulfill your destiny, you must never admit that you know anything. Joshua is a classical example of assumption based on previous experience Joshua became the Israeli leader after the death of Moses and led the people on towards the Promised Land. Joshua had a great CV. in battle strategies; after all he had defeated Jericho, a city the bible describes as a large and fortified city and he also defeated Ai a much smaller city. He was confident he knew everything having defeated a great and a small city.

Then came the Gibeonites who though actually lived nearby came in the guise that they came from a far country having arrayed themselves in worn out clothes and donkeys and dry bread. They were not a people with whom the Israelites were supposed to have any dealings, but the bible says in Joshua 9:14 that the men of Israel sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord.

You may have been in your office so long that you know how the corporate world works, you may be a craftsman or even an architect, a tailor, a teacher or a builder and you know everything about your trade with your eye tightly closed, Maybe you can still play a key board or a guitar even if You were blindfolded. You may be a die-in-the-wood investor but that company that has a good profile to you will wind up in a few months, God knows that but you have the option to ask him for guidance or not. In all your skill and expertise God still knows better than you. You can avoid the error ofJoshua and the men of Israel.

There are so many forms of deceptions today and you can never know enough to avoid errors. God says in his word that we should ask of him and he will show us great and mighty things that we do not know about. This is an open invitation today. Subject the tightest of your plans to God's opinion and you would have saved yourself a heart ache of a life time.


This is so true. It's just like the relationship between a father and his son. The father would inly want what is best for his child. That's an earthly father, now imagine how loving our heavenly father will then be.

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Have a lovely day ahead!

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God knows the best for us, he want the best for us, all we need to do is to Trust God

This is so valid. It's much the same as the connection between a father and his child. The father would inly need what is best for his kid. That is a natural father, now envision how adoring our brilliant father will then be.

A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing.

God indeed knows what is best. Sometimes we cry because we think he has refused to grant us our wish when he is only protecting you from the danger that accompanies what you are asking for. The truth is, we don't even know what we ask but he all-knowing will give us what is best for us and we can only enjoy that if we submit to his will by trusting him.

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