in #steemchurch6 years ago


First Kings 13: 1-26

Many times as men or women or as human beings, we understand the voice of God, that is, we hear him clearly when he tells us to do or stop doing something; But when the time comes to keep the word we do not do it, we let ourselves be carried away by the circumstances or by the words of another person who says to speak in the name of God.

Other times we want to anticipate the promise of God, wanting him to help, as if God needed help to do something and this is also a reason for disobedience before our God.

In the previous passage we see an idolatrous king, a king who wanted to preserve his kingdom based on lies, deception, force; a king that his fear was not towards God but that his fear was to lose the riches he possessed, that is to lose power.

This king had raised priests from among the people to men who were not of the sons of Levi, to minister to the people and take him to worship the golden calves he had sent to make, and so that the people did not go to Jerusalem to worship Jehovah.

But while the king was in front of the altar, a man of God came bringing prophecy against the altar and against those people or priests who, without having been appointed by God, had gone astray to offer sacrifices to idols.

  • Disobedience brings disease.

The king wanting to fight against God, ordering the arrest of the servant of God, his hand dries up. Vs.4.

  • Disobedience brings scarcity. Haggai 1: 5-6

5 For thus saith the LORD of hosts: Meditate well on your ways.

6 You sow much, and gather little; you eat, and you are not satisfied; you drink, and you are not satisfied; you dress, and you do not warm up; and he who works for wages receives his wages in broken bag.

  • Disobedience brings fear First of Samuel 18: 11-12

  • Disobedience brings death

Verse 24 of First Kings 13

What Jehovah God asks of his children, obedience is not only in tithing, in giving, in helping the poor and needy, in fasting, in praying, all this is only part of what the son of God must do.

Micah 6: 8-9

8 O man, he has declared to you what is good, and what the Lord asks of you: only to do justice, and to love mercy, and to humble yourself before your God.

9 The voice of the LORD cries out to the city; It is wise to fear your name. Pay attention to the punishment, and to whom it establishes.

Obedience to Jehovah God goes far beyond the thoughts of man as the heavens are higher than the earth so are the thoughts of God, obedience is more than a pretext of men; Obedience is dying to the "I" and allowing Jesus to reign in our heart, obedience to God goes beyond the dogmas or norms imposed by men, obedience to God are more than traditions or religions.

To be obedient to God is to ask him to forge the character of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in each one of us.

May the Lord continue to bless you.


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