Gender violence Is it possible to prevent it?

in #stach6 years ago

Gender violence Is it possible to prevent it?


Hello, dear Steemians, in this opportunity, I bring you a publication related to gender violence. For some, talking about this issue is currently a taboo and is considered normal and accepted by all members of a society. However, this is a fact that can change, if steps are taken to do so. Remember, you are not alone!

What is gender violence?

Gender-based violence constitutes damage to the integrity, dignity and freedom of women. It can also be defined as any violent physical or psychological act that seriously harms a woman. All women can be victims of gender violence, regardless of their social status or age.

This is not a new term, nor a new experience. Unfortunately, throughout our lives we have had the opportunity to meet women who are victims of this situation. Until some time ago, gender violence was hidden or treated in a personal way and this is precisely a problem, because it puts a woman in a relationship of subordination of women and men that normalizes this situation, making the woman feel guilty , embarrassed and I am afraid to express what you feel.

Types of gender violence:

Gender violence can be presented as follows:

Physical violence:


This type of violence can be identified by having visible traits of abuse: beatings, burns, hair pulling, bruising, hard-hitting products or pushing.

Psychological violence:


This includes verbal and nonverbal violence: insults, belittles, intimidation and / or threats, abuse of authority, lack of respect, authoritarianism ... this type of violence seems difficult to identify, because it can start as a subtle joke and then, It can become something more direct.

Economic violence:


The abuser imposes himself because he considers that the woman is not capable of managing her money.

Is it possible to recognize an abuser?

Psychologists say that an abusive man can have the following characteristics:

They are men who insist a lot on the commitment of the woman with him. To achieve this, he proposes living together, getting married and having children.

Although at the beginning, they are very sweet and complacent, they can show signs of being dominant and aggressive. At any time of the day or in any space there may be a scream that will later be excused and will almost always hold you responsible for what happened.

They do not tolerate frustration at the slightest situation, they will not hesitate to exploit with insults and if possible blows. This type of men is destructive and lacks empathy. He is not able to feel the pain of others.

Is it possible to prevent gender violence?

Although it is not an easy task, it is possible to prevent it and education is the most important tool. An educational process that goes in two directions: the formation of women and the formation of men. Both parties have to recognize their value as people and respect each other. Work on activities that allow establishing empathy relationships, where the need to help the other is put into practice. Try to destroy the conception that a relationship is based on problems and that using physical force and abuse are not natural tools to externalize feelings.

To end with this article, it would be convenient to emphasize that as women we have to be clear that we are valuable and that in the face of any alert of violence, our integrity and security should prevail.

Value yourself!

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