What Is Astral Travel? Can You Experience It?

in #steemstem6 years ago

The extracorporal experience is the supposed sensation of floating projected out of the body. In some cases, the subject may experience autoscopy (possibility of seeing one's own body from the point of view of an external observer) or even be able to project other places. Astral projection or astral travel is a type of subjective mental experience, for which many people claim to have experienced a separation or "unfolding" of what they call the astral body (or subtle body) of the physical body. The same phenomenon receives several different denominations among which are: astral unfolding, astral projection, astral travel, body splitting, projection of consciousness, among others.

Is It Burst Of Energy?


The astral projection is the exit from the physical body in the astral (energy) body into the astral world (astral plane).

The astral body is the etheric double of the physical body, possessing a more subtle organization and the possibility of existence in another dimension, it does not feel pain and is not subject to physical ailments. In the ordinary state, the astral double forms a single whole with the physical body. Disconnection occurs due to a strong specific change in the state of the bioenergetic organism.

We all unconsciously leave our physical body during the natural process of sleep. The astral body hangs over the physical at an altitude of about 25-30 centimeters, repeating the position of the sleeper.
If you try to realize yourself while you sleep, you can try to control it, experiencing conscious dreams. However, one can not return to the physical world and act in it in the astral body.
In the astral projection, separating from the physical body, without falling asleep, you can remain in the physical world, but to see this world will be completely different.



The connecting link between the astral body and the physical is the so-called "silver cord". It is described as a light ray beginning in the forehead of the physical body and ending at the navel of the astral body. The silver cord is elastic and can stretch almost to infinity. After death, the silver cord is torn, and the astral body leaves the physical shell.

Before departure to astral flight, several conditions must be met. For starters, clearly articulate the goal: where do you want to go or with whom to meet. Aimless wandering in the astral weaken concentration, and the person falls asleep, and when there is a goal, the concentration of consciousness is kept at the right level, due to which all actions are realized.

You also need to learn how to disable the internal dialog. In this case, the stopping of thoughts does not occur by the effort of the mind, but by shifting the focus of consciousness from thinking to inner sensations. To exit, you need to remove the fixation from the physical body and feel your astral body.

The ability to astral travel will make you look at the world in a completely different way - before you open new horizons of the universe. The astral plane provides opportunities that are not available to you in the ordinary world: flying, passing through walls, developing and using the paranormal abilities of the psyche and much more.

Do You Wanna Go Everywhere?

Movement in the astral is provided by the power of thought, and not of muscles. By effort of will it is possible to force itself to soar above the surface, moving for small distances with the speed of step or run. However, it is more interesting for flight movements. Learning to fly, you can go anywhere. For example, visit different countries or go to the moon, Mars, Venus, anywhere in the universe, or you can travel in time - into the past or the future. Almost everything is allowed in the astral journey.

Your movements may also be independent of you. In the midst of experienced astral travelers, there is the concept of "the wind of the future" - a magnetic force or maybe even a certain creature that snatches you out of the journey and drags you to another place and time, where you see a scene from the future or a vision symbolizing some hidden meaning .

Return to your own body from a distant journey and not get lost in the astral space and time helps the "silver cord", always supporting the connection between the astral and physical bodies.

Experienced travelers warn that the selfish and low goals of astral exits entail grave consequences and attract to themselves the infernal creatures that abound in the astral world.

Astral Travel Techniques


Comfortable Breathing

Wear comfortable clothes, get up if you have something to bother you. Later on you can relax or stretch your bed (parallel to your back), under your head, you can use a cushion that will not break the angle of your back with your head. breathe deeply 3-4 times (take your breath away in your abdominal area, do not swell your chest). Empty your whole breath. In this way, from one to four, count to four. - Count as many as four times while you're breathing. - Hold your breath, count to four. Count as many as four when you leave your body. Keep this position until you sit down in this way to breathe.


I have commented that Astral Travel should be awake while awakening the body and deceiving the conscience while explaining it. In addition to this, the muscles should be relaxed so that the body can get more easily sleepy. The Astral Body will loose the muscles that are retained by some muscles, but the Astral Body will be released, but you need to constantly work to relax these muscles. During the Astral Travel, some sources said that the body should not be disturbed by anyone else, and that it even carries the risk of death. The book Astral Travel Techniques has the technique of loosening the muscles (this booklet may be useful). - When you breathe in your foot, your fingers and your wrist as much as you can, count as many as four times as you can and relax, counting up to four when you leave your breath, then repeat it three times until there is no air and then repeat your toes three times in the opposite direction Repeat. - The part of your ankle from your ankle to your knee cover - The part from your kneecap (including your calf) to the hip - Then the same for the other leg - The lips - The abdominal cavity - Your back (as a bridge) - Breasts - right - from the wrist to the elbow - from the elbow to the shoulders - then the same for the other arm - the shoulders and the trapezius muscles - the neck muscles (head tilted to the chest) - the jaw muscles (cheeky chest tilting) - the surat muscles (tightening your eyes tightly and then stretching your muscles) you should repeat it three times while you are looser. After this process is finished, you should breathe 2-3 times deeply to relieve your breath.

Protection and Imaging

Most people who travel to Astral are afraid of their first experience as they have never experienced such an experience before. If you feel uneasy how you feel yourself on a different planet, it is such a feeling that some people can not even imagine it. In such cases of fear and anxiety, the Physics Body returns again as the Astral Body Protection Mechanism. A friend told me that he first saw himself at Astral Travel's departure and was surprised and then started crying as a result of his fright. Because he thought you were dead. I think that the new emerging people need to be practiced when one is considering the possibility of attacking various Astral Travel entities. And I will give you a kind of armor with the practice I will give you. Spread your back, get comfortable. The palms must be right around the corner. With breath control, just follow the meaningless shapes that come before your eyes. You can even go behind the scenes without commenting for 5-10 minutes. Then try to catch the void with your will. There should be no color, no sound and no light, just darkness. In the meantime, imagine yourself crystal clear. Imagine a dot-shaped light in the void Imagine a light ball that grows and grows, about a few meters in length, where the light ball stood and boiled. Imagine starting from your head, covering your whole body and creating a shield of white light in your aura, as you light your surroundings. In the meantime you should imagine that the light ball you come up with in the space is just white light, if you have another color, you should stop working and try again later. Try to feel the cool waters spread from your head down as you begin to enter your light body. (If you did not do this work, you do not need KDPR and OSR.)

Another Part Of Travel: Lucid Dream


By lucid dreams (or called lucid dreaming) one understands that one is able to consciously realize one's own dreams. These can be controlled and changed at will, so you can actively intervene in the dream event. During a normal dream, the so-called dream paradigm prevents one from recognizing the dream as such. So when you wake up and reconstruct your dream, you often think, "Hey, I should have noticed that I'm dreaming!", So you've become a victim of the dream paradigm. The difficulty of clearing away is to outsmart the dream paradigm and consciously perceive the dream. At this moment certain brain regions become active and one can consciously control his dream contents. Steven LaBerge is the first scientist to succeed in proving lucid dreams in the lab. Thus, a lucid dream is a proven fact.

Comparison With Reality Between Lucid Dream And Astral Travel


In a lucid dream, the comparison to reality is not possible, because the dream content can be changed continuously at will. It makes no sense for this reason to compare a lucid dream with reality. In out-of-body experiences, however, there are a number of narratives that state that the information gathered in an out of body experience often coincides with reality. A very fascinating story is told by a man who briefly suffered a cardiac arrest during an operation. At that moment, the man left his body and was able to experience the course of the operation with his astral body. He saw the exact details during the operation. Not only did the man know what the doctors and medical assistants said, but he even knew what the doctors were wearing under the surgical gown. This view is possible in an out of body experience. After the man was reanimated, he told the doctors about his information. Each statement agreed with reality. Even in a classic out of body experience can be performed experiments in which the experience collected with the reality is checked. There are dozens of testimonials reporting this (including me). In order for the information to actually be recorded, the oscillation frequency of the out of body experience must be very similar to the physical one.

So there are actually differences between an out of body experience and a lucid dream, which can not be explained by the statement: "An out of body experience could be an intense lucid dream." In my opinion, these two experiences are completely different. I also often use lucid dreams as an introduction to an out-of-body experience.

• Andreas Schwarz’s “The Difference: Lucid Dreams And Astral Travel”
• Live Science “Astral Projection: Just a Mind Trip”
• Perle Epstein’s Book “Kabbalah: The Way of the Jewish Mystic”
• Roderich Feldes “The Sixth Dimension of Man's Unknown Power”
• D. Scott Rogo “Astral Travel Techniques”
• Sophie Miller“What Is Astral Projectıon?”




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