The most favorite season is summer! Warm, everything around blooms and smells 🌺🌷🐣

in #photography6 years ago

Hello friends! Yesterday I remembered autumn, and today the summer is in my head. Already so want to warm, wear shorts, sandals, a T-shirt, take glasses and walk along the embankment. 🌷

My favorite season is summer. I love warmth, and I do not like cold at all. Autumn I love only for its bright colors. Winter for a fabulous atmosphere. In the spring nature wakes up. Summer is a sweet aroma of flowers, a spicy aroma of the countryside, it goes to bed at 4 o'clock in the morning. Summer is the most favorite time of the year.

There are many reasons to love summer 🌺🌷🐣

Summer is a lot of walks. This ice cream, swimsuit, praise, cold cocktails, short skirts and shorts. It's a vacation and a vacation. I can find a lot of people to love summer! You can enumerate endlessly. In the summer, a lot of fun. You can go to the sea, you can go to the forest. At this time of year, I feel good. I love the heat. I love when all the birds returned from warm edges, I love when flowers blossom, grass grows.

In summer, a lot of fresh fruits:

Many fruit trees, on which grow different fruits. In my country there are no exotic fruits. There are trees with fruits: apple, pear, plum, berries, peach, nut, and maybe something else has forgotten. Many bushes with fruits: grapes, raspberries. A lot of delicious grows on the field in the garden: strawberries, peas, arbuz, melon and much more that gives us summer time.

In the summer there are many vegetables:

On the threshold, if you planted, then pick up potatoes in summer, you can pick up cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, onions, a lot of greenery: dill, parsley. In general, what will plant that and grow. In the summer, if you have prepared a garden and a garden, you can not go to the store. all that is needed is growing in the garden.

 All vegetables and fruits love warmth.

I really like to walk around the blooming field.

I'm tempted by wild flowers. I prefer daisies rather than roses. Yes, roses, these are very beautiful flowers, these are romantic flowers.

Camomiles, they are like the sun.

They even look like the sun. Inside the daisy is yellow, and around the edges are white petals, that's exactly sunny.

And poppies.

Poppies are flowers of happiness :)) There are poppies that bring a crop that you can collect seeds and make brownies with poppy seeds, very tasty, and there are poppies in the field, they are so red in color, even when the petals are showered, there are boxes full of poppy seeds. You can shake the box a little and you will hear the rustling inside.

And many more other wildflowers

to someone it looks like :))) hahahaha

And let the hands hit the body .. And the ass requires a belt ....

That's what I do with it ... ..! ...... LOVE ... and ... pamper me .. !! 

(picture from the Internet - source)

You can talk endlessly about summer

Now let's continue talking about summer. It seems to me that you can talk endlessly about the summer.

Travel in summer

The best time to travel is summer. If you do not have a large budget, you can simply take a pork ribbon and go to the mountains, or somewhere beyond the city. Just in the woods, or just in the field. Do not forget to take a veil and eat with you, the appetite will grow in the fresh air, and you will want to refresh yourself. He ate, it will be necessary to relax, to spread the veil over him, and to take sunbaths. like a boa to digest food in the sun. hahaha

As I already said, I like to walk in the woods, on the field or go to the mountains. In summer nature is especially beautiful. Noisy leaves on the west, you hear how somewhere near the ring a stream, or a river, birds sing, and the smell can not be conveyed in words.

The field looks like a green sea.

When you go to the field, from wheat, which has not yet ripened, looks at the field, and you see that it looks like a green sea, the wind eats the spike, like a goner chasing waves. So I want to run into the field, and it's spinning. There is a field that is not sown, a simple field with wild plants. This field is very beautiful, so many plants, these varieties can not be counted.

A bouquet of wild flowers, like the natural beauty of a woman.

You can pick a bouquet of wild flowers. It is such a gentle bouquet, similar to the natural beauty of a woman. Here is a rose for me that looks like a woman made-up, with a beautiful hairdo. A bouquet of wild herbs, reminds me of a girl in a simple, fluttering plume on the wind, her hair slightly disheveled, a natural blush on the bills, not made-up eyes, slightly red lips, freckles on her nose.

After a day's walk, in the evening you can sit by the fire

In the daytime you can walk in the field, in the woods, in the mountains, and in the evening when you are slightly tired, you can make a fire, fry sausages on a stick, brew tea in her tea from herbs. Just imagine, there smells of sausages and fresh tea, a bonfire burns, which also gives its aroma of smoke, you and your friends sat around the bone if you covered your shoulders with a blanket coldly. You can show in turn different stories, someone from a friend playing the guitar, and all amicably singing your favorite song.

In summer, long sunny days are followed by short warm nights.

There is no cold, only occasionally rain will pour. And even the rain is warm, you can throw out the umbrella and run under the warm raindrops, lightly wet your hair and clothes. It's so childish. Great benefit from the rain, it pours everything and garden and garden, and as if washing everything around, after the rain as after wet cleaning, everything is clean, there is no dust. The rain smells so nice. Summer takes you to a child.

Sound of summer

I was talking about the smell of summer. But you can also listen to the summer. Just listen to the summer.

You hear ka sing high in the sky birds, or they can be heard in the trees. Each bird sings its own song. There are a lot of birds in the summer: maestro-nightingale, morning lark, gay chatterbox-sparrow. And this is only the day's voice of summer, by the evening everything is quieting, like it's going to die, only not for long, only for a moment, because the music of the morning changes to the music of the summer evening - a chorus of crickets enters, which does not stop until morning. Dogs bark in the distance. It's as if they are passing information to a friend. In the distance, you hear how it creates different sounds of a bird, or an owl. And so on until morning.

Summer, I'm waiting for you!

Rejoice in every season of the year. After all, each time is beautiful in its own way and keeps different values! Keep them and you! Good, spring mood! 🌺 🌺 🌺 


You looks awesome there !

Hello Friend! Very nice, I blushed a little :))) I'm glad to see you! 🌺

Thank you so much my friend !

a beautiful photographs and a beautiful view I love to see her.

hey! many thanks! I'm glad you like it. Soon the summer will come and I will be able to take many more pictures from the sunny summer days :-)🌷

read the whole story :) very interesting attitude to the summer! I also love summer.
I'm with you agree during the summer this is the best time for puteshestvie!

I'm glad you read it. And even more pleased that we have a similar opinion. I thank you again for your support. thanks to you, your friend evaluates my posts! Many thanks! I appreciate it! I will never forget your friend and your kindness! Thank you!!!

Wow.. wonderful photography
Travel is very beautiful
I like it this nature.......

really nature in summer is very beautiful .. So many wild, wild flowers. nice smell. I'm looking forward to summer, that would go to travel :)

Hello my friend =) ..., thanks =)

So nice. Summer is coming and we re happy to enjoy. Great post, have a good time.

Hi, Oh, thank you, thank you very much my friend, yes, it would be summer already =)

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